CONGRESS DAY 1 - Tuesday 22 May 2018 |
7:00 |
Registration opens |
9:00 |
SE-01 Official Welcome and Opening Ceremony Auditorium 1
Chairs: Marilyn Pattison and Helen Buchanan |
9:30 |
SE-02 Keynote 1 Auditorium 1 Chair: Marilyn Pattison
Elelwani Ramugondo
Healing work: Intersections for decoloniality
Session sponsored by:  |
10:30 |
11:00 |
SE-03 Symposium 1: |
SE-04 Symposium 2: |
SE-05 Symposium 3: |
Contextually Responsive Occupational Therapy |
Occupational Therapy in Africa |
Mental Health |
Chair: Roshan Galvaan |
Chair: Lebogang Maseko |
Chair: Joanne Lee |
Speakers: Thuli Mthembu, Ana Paula Serrata Malfitano and Mary Black |
Speakers: Mildred Chikwanha, Brenda Shuma and Mandla Phehlukwayo |
Speakers: Crick Lund, Jennifer Creek and Shannon Morgan |
Room: Auditorium 1 |
Room: Ballroom East |
Room: Ballroom West |
12:30 |
SE-06 |
SE-07 |
SE-08 |
SE-09 |
SE-10 |
SE-11 |
SE-12 |
SE-13 |
SE-14 |
Guided Posters |
Health Systems and Planning |
In Congress Workshop |
In Congress Workshop |
Teaching and Learning |
Teaching and Learning |
Children, Youth and Family: Partnerships |
Facilitating Active Participation |
Research Institute - World Café session |
Promoting Participation |
Management of Physical Conditions |
Enabling occupational Justice |
Chair: Carolynne White |
Chair: Anne Cusick |
Chair: Lucia Hess-April |
Chair: Nyaradzai Esther Munambah |
Chair: Christine Craik |
Chair: Liliana Alvarez |
Chair: Isabel Margot-Cattin |
Chair: Dee Christie |
Chair: Helga Koch |
Room: Auditorium 2 |
Room: 1.41 -2 |
Room: 1.43 -4 |
Room: 2.4 |
Room: 2.6 |
Room: Auditorium 1 |
Room: Ballroom East |
Room: 1.6 |
Room: Ballroom West |
Room: Roof Terrace |
Room: Exhibition Hall |
Sandra Moll |
Claudia von Zweck and Sandra Bressler |
Jenni Mace |
Julia Skelton |
Nikki Vermeulen |
Raviraj Shetty |
Claudia Andrews |
Host: Tanya Benjamin-Thomas
Topic: Participatory Digital Methods
Host: Sissel Alsaker
Topic: Enacted Narratives
Host: Lieketseng Ned
Topic: Indigenous knowledge in Occupational Therapy Research
Host: Susan Ryan
Topic: The Use of Metanarratives: Exploring our Cultural Cloaks
Hosts: Jinlong Cui and Teresa Chiu
Topic: Historical Research: Unearthing our Past
Host: Lynette Mackenzie
Topic: Global Research Priorities: Building a Future Together
Host: Tara Vander Mynsbrugge Topic: Participatory observation: Exploring the environmental influences on behaviour |
Andreja Bartolac |
Emma-Louise Newbery |
Shirley Wells
Disaster Preparedness and Health Screening: An Opportunity to Train Emergency Responders of OT Students and Practitioners Through Participation in Operation Lone Star
Yunwha Jeong
Occupational therapy in the contexts of a natural disaster: A scoping review
Tamami Aida
An attempt to facilitate support for vulnerable populations during disasters through partnership with support groups for disabled individuals
Rod Charlie Delos Reyes
Occupational therapy on the margins: the aftermath of disaster
Glenn Japeth Dia
"The Level of Disaster Preparedness Among The Selected Non-institutionalized and Institutionalized Elderly Residents in Metro Cebu: A proposed disaster preparedness guideline" (Philippines)
Stephanie Huff
Conceptualizing Gender Equity within Occupational Therapy and Science: A Critical Dialogue Surrounding the ways in which Women both Experience and Resist Occupational Injustices.
Mark Kovic
Advocacy and enablement to build capacity together. A contextual approach to facilitate occupational engagement for persons with differing abilities amidst Ecuadoran and Brazilian social realities.
Sanetta du Toit
Quantifying Occupational Injustice: Using The Assessment Tool for Occupational and Social Engagement (Atose)
Sheau-Jing Hsiao
A Reflective Journey of Occupational Justice by an Occupational Therapist in a Pediatric Ashram |
Do Live Well: International perspectives on an Occupational Therapy Health Promotion Framework
WFOT International Quality Indicators for Occupational Therapy |
Occupational Justice as the freedom to do and be: A conceptual tool for advocating for human rights
Occupational Therapy Workforce Data: How to use data to influence demand |
Teaching and Learning Strategies used in the supervision of occupational therapy students in community fieldwork practice |
The I’m-Perfect Fathers Group: A gathering of fathers of children with disabilities |
Mental health care users’ perceptions and experiences of the use of social Networking sites |
Examining the experience of social and occupational participation among persons with physical disabilities: Building a model of occupational deprivation and stress |
The WHODAS 2.0 as a tool for reflective practice in client centred rehabilitation: Investigating an occupational therapist's assumptions about the disability experience of inpatients at a South Africa neuro and spinal rehabilitation hospital |
Tatenda John Maphosa |
Roshni Khatri |
Anick Sauvageau |
Brenda Deborah Shuma |
Bongisa Shumane |
Lisa Holmlund |
Maatje Kloppers |
Legislative framework for the provision of Occupational Therapy services in public schools in Zimbabwe |
The first OT Massive Open Online Course (MOOC): An innovative approach to positioning the Vona du Toit Model of Creative Ability to Impact International Practice |
Ethical issues of the supervision of occupational therapy students |
Intensive Therapy Weeks: A Tool for Caregivers in Facilitation Participation in Life for Children and Youth with Disability |
A case study exploring forensic mental health care users’ experience of occupational engagement during the forensic leave of absence process in Eastern Cape, South Africa |
Focus on experiences of return to work after spinal cord injury - using photovoice
Innovative physical group treatment in resource constrained environments |
Lebogang Maseko |
Pavlina Psychouli and Mary Zadnik |
Shira Yalon-Chamovitz |
Eckiwe Kamanga |
Lyne Desrosiers |
Fiona Howlett, Hannah Spring and Claire Connor |
Susan Magasi |
Perceptions of the impact of the national health insurance on occupational therapy services |
Cross-cultural e-Learning between Cypriot and American occupational therapy students: A pilot study |
Deconstructing hierarchies: Service users as co-teachers in occupational therapy education |
Empowering carers of children with disabilities in Zambia: a participatory group approach |
Occupational challenges of mothers with Borderline Personality Disorder
The value and meaning of a community centre service for refugees and asylum seekers: culture, collectivism and application for occupational therapy practice |
Healthcare Survival Skills: Feasibility, acceptability and preliminary outcomes of an Occupational Therapist-Disability Peer Led Intervention to promote healthcare access, quality and outcomes for people with disabilities
June McIntyre |
Emma Ashcroft |
Katrina Bannigan |
Pauline Watson Campbell |
Mônica Macedo |
Pat Chung |
Denise Franzsen |
Are answers to complex wheelchair seating needs necessarily complex? |
An innovative education model to build capacity for the future of occupational therapy (OT) in developing countries: Vietnam case study
Developing a common framework for documenting case studies in occupational therapy

Combining Centre-based with Community-based Practice; the Experience of a Paediatric Occupational Therapist in Establishing an Inclusive Intervention Programme for Young Children and Contributing to the Development of an Inclusive Community in Jamaica |
Schizophrenia, instrumental activities of daily living and executive functions: a qualitative study |
The perspectives of people living with dementia on Enablement Services at home
The occupational performance profile, quality of life and community reintegration of patients with burn injuries post-discharge in the north west province, South Africa |
Rogini Pillay |
An Exploration of Burn Survivors’ Experiences of Pressure Garment Therapy at a tertiary hospital in South Africa: The Impact of this on service delivery |
Juanita Bester |
Deshini Naidoo |
Inge Speth-Lemmens |
Khanya Nco |
Barbara Gilbertson |
Gail Whiteford |
Ellen Mclaughlin |
Practical use of the logic model in project management and evaluation |
Exploring the graduate competencies required for Primary Health Care practice :a KwaZulu-Natal perspective |
Monitoring, evaluation and addressing of professional behavior of Occupational Therapy students: a challenge all over the world.
An exploration of the experiences and perceptions of caregivers of children with disabilities regarding community-based rehabilitation services in a rural setting in South Africa
Developing cultural Awareness in occupational therapy education: A pilot study of student learning in two parallel rehabilitation cases |
Advancing Occupational Justice in Institutional Settings: A Practice Based Enquiry Approach
Occupational Therapy Strategies for Addressing Depression in Patients with Physical Disabilities |
Caroline Fischl |
Debra Smuts |
Mia Vermaak |
Assessing engagement in digital technology-supported occupations – First steps in taking on the challenge |
The Advantages of including Tension Release Exercises ® in an occupational group therapy programme |
"Dialysis completely controls your life"1: the occupational performance and participation of chronic haemodialysis receivers in South Africa |
Fatima Hendricks |
Michelle Bissett |
Nadine Larivière |
Sandra Dunbar |
Verena C. Tatzer |
Jennie McAdam |
Miryam Weiss |
Perceptions of authentic leadership development by occupational therapy students participating in a pilot national leadership camp in South Africa |
Competency development from role-emerging placements: A synthesis of the qualitative literature on students' perspectives |
Aligning national and international standards for the education of occupational therapists: Mapping the Canadian accreditation standards to the revised World Federation of Occupational Therapists minimum standards |
Exploring the occupation of mothering from diverse angles |
I pull myself together, but it is no use' – Experiences of activity, occupation and participation of people with advanced dementia living in long-term-care |
"Water is Life" - The occupational injustice of performing survival tasks in rural South Africa
Pain, social support, role load and life satisfaction in women with chronic fatigue syndrome |
Satish Mishra |
Amy Darragh |
Cheryl Lucas |
Angelika Echsel |
Riekie Engelbrecht |
Rieke Hengelaar |
Angelica Reyes |
The need to scale up rehabilitation |
Holistic admissions: Improving diversity in the occupational therapy workforce |
Perceptions of the Academic Experience of Occupational Therapists of Color in the United States |
Together on the way - Emerging occupational therapy practice in mainstream schools in Switzerland |
The effect of an occupational therapy mental health day treatment centre on the use of inpatient services in the Western Cape, South Africa |
Community Development in Interprofessional Health and Social Care Education: How Can International Student Workshops Be Organized? |
Occupational therapists’ pain knowledge: A national survey
Christina Lundqvist |
Cori Schmitz |
Nerida Hyett |
Shallon Musimenta |
Tecla Mlambo |
Katrine Sauvé-Schenk |
Jodie de Bruyn |
Development of indicators for rehabilitation and occupational therapy for implementation in a national quality system for primary care. An example of stroke |
Student and university roles in preparing occupational therapy students for practice: A model for work-readiness |
Trialling virtual cross-cultural learning with Australian and Hong Kong allied health students to improve cultural competence and employability |
Role of support groups in families of children with disabilities- the Mildmay Uganda experience |
Does HIV and low socio-economic status impact on neuro-cognitive performance in the same way? Implications for occupational therapy practice, policy and social service delivery
Impact of low income and linguistic minority context on post-stroke participation: a situation of occupational disadvantage |
The Intra-And Inter-Rater Reliability of Manual Muscle Testing in the New Hand Classification of Wheelchair Rugby |
Jolene Tarr |
Karina Dancza |
Anita Björklund |
Miranda Zwijgers |
Listening to voices from the National Listening & Dialogue Campaign in South Africa: Insights from a participatory event for occupational therapists in the Eastern Cape |
A practical guide to applying occupation-centred principles in practice: Supporting occupational therapy students and educators |
Occupational therapy views from diverse cultural perspectives |
Measuring the tactual skills by multiple disabled and severe visually impaired persons with the MDVI - Tactual Profile (MDVI-TP) |
Emily Zeman |
Dorothy Bethea |
Embedding Koru Mindfulness into occupational therapy fieldwork preparatory coursework: Supporting the quadruple aim |
Impact of health literacy on orthopedic patients therapy home program |
Q & A |
Q & A
Q & A |
Q & A |
Q & A
Q & A |
Q & A |
15:30 |
16:00 |
SE-15 |
SE-16 |
SE-17 |
SE-18 |
SE-19 |
SE-20 |
SE-21 |
SE-22 |
SE-23 |
Guided Posters |
Ageing and Health |
In Congress Workshop |
Generating OT Knowledge |
Evidence in Education |
Occupations of the Young |
Environment and Engagement |
Contemporary Practice Issues |
Activating Change |
Technology & Occupational Performance |
Facilitating Children's Participation |
Chair: Sarah Wallcook |
Convenor: Kit Sinclair |
Chair: Carol McKinstry |
Chair: |
Chair: Zoe Mailloux |
Chair: Katrina Bannigan |
Chair: Mieke le Granse |
Chair: Louise Farnworth |
Chair: Dominick Mshanga |
Chair: Pauline Watson Campbell |
Room: Auditorium 2 |
Room: 1.4 |
Room: 2.4 |
Room: 2.6 |
Room: Auditorium 1 |
Room: 1.6 |
Room: Ballroom East |
Room: Ballroom West |
Room: Roof Terrace |
Room: Exhibition Hall |
Olga Asrun Stefansdottir |
Proposing Team: Helene Polatajko, Jane Davis and Janet Njelesani
Opposing Team: Jennifer Creek, Theresa Lorenzo and Miranda Thew The Debate: Is it time to reconsider framing our work as therapy?
Felecia Banks |
Szu-Wei Chen |
Julianne Challita |
Sarah Gyau |
Lana van Niekerk |
Su-Min Yeu and Meng-Hsuan Hsieh |
Naomi Weiss Ferziger |
Angelique Kester
Vietnamese Caregivers Reflections on Activities of Daily Life in Relation to the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory
Elke Kraus
Assessing the occupational status of children in Germany with the PEAP - a multi-perspective standardized assessment and process instrument
Zainab Jasem
Play of children with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions: a scoping review
Hsiu-Man Chiu
Different Relationships of Theory of Mind to Different Types of Social Interaction in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Kristie Patten Koenig and Stephen Shore
Reframing Autism: Authentic Partnerships with Autistic Self Advocates to Guide Research, Teaching and Service Delivery
Sheau-Jing Hsiao
Comparing the effects of play intervention and skills training on children with autism
Anat Golos
The effect of gender and culture on children's performance and participation in daily activities in the educational setting
Denise Donica
Efficacy of using a Game-Based Keyboarding Tool to Improve Keyboarding Skills of Elementary Aged Students |
Individually but together: Couples experience of retirement
Implicit Bias: Targets for Change in OT Practice |
Reconsidering the importance of leisure occupation in OT practice: leisure should be an end goal of intervention
Cognitive strategy use in children referred to occupational therapy for difficulties with social competence: Findings from PRPP@HOME-SOCIAL and PRPP@SCHOOL-SOCIAL: Questionnaires
Resources for occupational therapy in mental health in Ghana: results of a community-mapping exercise
Using Ikiugu's Eclectic Framework for Combining Theoretical Conceptual Practice Models as a Guide for Theory-Based Clinical Decision-Making in Occupational Therapy |
An investigation of parent-child communication strategies and quality of the night market vendors
Audio description for individuals with visual disability: Enabling participation in cultural events
Vrushali Kulkarni |
From Functional goals to Participation based goals: Do we need a different framework? |
Gudrun Palmadottir |
Amelia Di Tommaso |
Marcela Herrera |
Patrick Hynes |
Fadia Gamieldien |
Audhild Høyem |
Nicola Hancock |
Anders Kottorp |
Activities and participation among older adults: population based study on 65 - 91 years residents in a rural area in Iceland
Occupational therapy educators' experiences of occupation in curricula: Lessons from the Australian context
Governmentality and Biopolitic: an approach to knowledge and historical practices of occupational therapy in Chile
Children's sedentary lifestyles and obesity - exploring and connecting the diversity of the Occupational Therapy role |
Perspectives of male mental health service users on their community integration
Coordination work in hospitals for patients with complex, long-term needs - a proposed conceptual framework |
Service user engagement and leadership in mental health research: findings from an occupational therapy supported project
Skill clusters of ability to manage everyday technology among people with and without cognitive impairment, dementia and acquired brain injury
Celeste Januszewski |
Supporting Client-Centered Practice through Critical Self-Reflection: The Intentional Relationship Model |
Theo Brunois |
Heather Thomas |
Liliana Alvarez |
Lyndsay Koch |
Farai Carlisto Chirongoma |
Nicole Picone |
Rosemary Lysaght |
Elize Janse van Rensburg |
Occupational engagement and aging, trends in Europe
Using the occupational therapy practice framework to guide and revive practice
The Development of International Research Priorities for Occupational Therapy |
Exploring the typical development of creative ability in young children: clarification of the Vona du Toit Model of Creative Ability (VdTMoCA) for children |
The end game for children with learning disabilities: A case study of children in shire urban community, Lilongwe, Malawi
The Occupational Therapy Role in Disaster Preparedness |
The application of work integration social enterprise in low resource contexts: Building capacity for empowerment, community integration and social change
Computerized assessment of eye tracking to enhance clinical observations in occupational therapy |
Bethan Collins |
Tamera Humbert |
The International Journal of Occupational Therapy Education (IJOTE): A need for an international peer-reviewed forum to report our academic evidence base and share practice education innovations |
The Mutual Journey, Occupational Therapists' Meaningful Experiences of Therapeutic Use of Self: A Phenomenological Study |
Vivian Neumann and Karla Hernández |
Tara Casimano |
Laure Decastel |
Benita Powrie |
Liv Grethe Kinn |
Sonam Shah |
Joy Agner |
Rita Jentoft |
Designing an assessment instrument for performance in instrumental activities of daily living |
Integration of Social Media in Occupational Therapy Education |
FREE TO ALL! How to survive after three years of running a completely Open Access peer-reviewed journal, the Francophone Journal of Occupational Therapy Research (Revue Francophone de Recherche en Ergothérapie - RFRE). Tips ... and traps! |
Leisure meaning: What really matters to young people with physical disabilities and implications for practice |
"Watch Your Steps" -Community Mental Health Professionals Perspectives on the Vocational Rehabilitation of People with Severe Mental Illness |
A ready child with a ready family, a step towards school readiness ! |
Critical reflections on patient empowerment, occupational therapy, and occupational justice |
Does assistive technology support everyday life for younger persons with dementia and family carers?
Katie Robinson |
Lise Poissant |
A guide to meta-ethnography for occupational therapists
Exploring the concept of quality of life among children living in context of vulnerability |
E. Sharon Brintnell |
Shannon McDowell |
Debra Zelnick |
Christina Schulze |
Trohandi De Klerk |
Anne Cusick |
Suzanne Stark |
Gunilla Eriksson |
The occupational performance of the sandwich generation to preserve their health: A scoping review
A unique approach to global occupational therapy education through academic and cultural immersion: The USC Summer Occupational Therapy Immersion Program |
Increasing the degree to which evidence-based practiceiIs carried out by occupational therapists at a rehabilitation hospital |
Designing for social participation- a Universal Design approach to making playgrounds for all |
Roles, Rituals and Emotional Regulation of Rugby Players on Different Competitive Levels |
Disability and rehabilitation services in post-revolutionary Libya: challenges and opportunities for occupational therapy |
Ukuwela: The impact of a school-based supported employment program for learners with disabilities in George, South Africa
The impact on everyday life for relatives to persons with stroke in Uganda
Julia Henderson-Kalb |
Jenniffer Garcia |
Faye Sinnett |
Antoine Bailliard |
Marianne Boström |
Rialda Hattingh |
Assessing differences in graduate occupational therapy students’ reflective capacities given divergent undergraduate educational backgrounds: A pilot study |
Evidence-based practice in Chile: a pending challenge
"Is rugby a safe leisure pursuit for children and adolescents?" |
Bridging neuroscience, function and intervention: A scoping review of sensory processing and mental illness |
Everyday occupation as a therapeutic means for persons with severe mental disorders who live in the community - reconstruction of events told by occupational therapists using George Herbert Mead´s theory of actions |
Understanding the impact of secondary homelessness: A narrative from South-Africa |
Fanny Alexandra Jakobsen |
Tina Helle |
Jennifer Dessoye, Elizabeth Pfisterer, Mansi Patel, Brianna Swayer |
Stories from the hidden enablers: Doing occupations with/or on behalf of elderly parents
Shared Responsibility" - a project striving for increasing the impact of research in practice |
The Impact of Touch Screen Tablet Apps on Visual Motor, Fine Motor, and Handwriting Skills of Neurotypical Kindergartners |
Q & A |
Q & A |
Q & A |
Q & A
Q & A |
17:30 |
Sessions Finish |
CONGRESS DAY 2 - Wednesday 23 May 2018 |
8:00 |
Registration opens |
9:00 |
WFOT – Occupational Therapy Towards 2030 Chair: Marilyn Pattison
Room: Auditorium 1 |
10:30 |
11:00 |
SE-24 |
SE-25 |
SE-26 |
SE-27 |
SE-28 |
SE-29 |
SE-30 |
SE-31 |
SE-32 |
SE-33 |
Guided Posters |
Health & Well-being in the Workplace |
In Congress Workshop |
In Congress Workshop (max 30 pax) |
Developing the Profession |
Strengthening OT as a Profession |
Across Schooling |
Environment and Engagement |
Contemporary Practice Issues |
Working for Social Justice |
Rehabilitation Technology |
Promoting Participation of Older Adults |
Chair: Madri Engelbrecht |
Chair: Victoria Amu |
Chair: Christine Craik |
Chair: Fransli Buckle |
Chair: Fadia Gamieldien |
Chair: Sharon Brintnell |
Chair: Tongai Chichaya |
Chair: Sissel Horghagen |
Chair: Roshan Isaacs |
Room: Auditorium 2 |
Room: 1.41 – 2 |
Room: 1.43 – 4 |
Room: 2.4 |
Room: 2.6 |
Room: Auditorium 1 |
Room: 1.6 |
Room: Ballroom East |
Room: Ballroom West |
Room: Roof Terrace |
Room: Exhibition Hall |
Michal Waisman |
Marelé Venter and Natasja Rowe-Rowe |
Lindsey Nicholls and Debbie Bub |
Jeanne N. Kagwiza |
Temitayo Eleyinde |
Tanya Rihtman |
Jennifer Wenborn |
Niki Kiepek |
Elvin Williams |
Ursula Meidert |
Sophie Gaber
Mapping participation outside home for (older) adults with cognitive impairments
Emily Iseminger
"Values and Occupations: Impact on the Life Experiences of the Oldest-Old"
Ann Johansson
Older women who have migrated from Western Balkan and inborn Swedish older women´s everyday occupations
Stacy West-Bruce
Global Aging in Criminal Justice Systems: An Occupational Perspective Mandate
Verena C. Tatzer
"Narrative-in-action" with people with advanced dementia – better understanding the relation of occupation and identity
Anne Lund
Dialogue cafés with older adults to promote user participation in technology development
Shari Emas
Embracing Retirement: Enhancing Older Adult's Access to Meaningful Occupation via Smartphone Technology. An occupational therapist's guide to incorporating technology into intervention plans with our clients. |
"Accessibility at work"- Understanding the accessibility of the competitive working environment from the perspectives of individuals with ASD and their employers |
Bully Busters: The development of a therapeutic group programme for children and adolescents, empowering them and creating resilience against the toxic effects of exposure to bullying
‘Only Connect'; the art of psychoanalytic playfulness in occupational engagement
Occupational therapy, a new profession in Rwanda |
Spatial analysis of occupational therapy development in the Nigeria Health System: Impact,challenges, and prospect |
An international collaboration for identifying cross-cultural differences in motor development of young pre-schoolers |
Multi-site randomised controlled trial of Community Occupational Therapy in Dementia (COTiD-UK) versus usual care: the results |
Non-sanctioned occupations: Silences around activities framed as ‘unhealthy’, ‘deviant’ and illegal
Queering occupation: "Being" and "Doing" gay in occupational therapy |
M-Health Apps and Self-quantification Technologies on the rise. Opportunities and Risks for the use in practice |
Matty van Niekerk |
Courtenay Harris |
Carol McKinstry |
Carmit Frisch |
Heather Hunter and Marion Findlay |
Moses Ikiugu |
Tahmineh Mousavi |
Erwin Vanroye |
Unpacking the advocacy role of occupational therapists in promoting the rights of employees with disabilities |
Student international mobility: How do we know we are meeting more than just student and university needs? |
Research culture in a regional Australian health setting |
Parental Occupational Executive Training (POET): A unique intervention model for improving daily functioning of young children with ADHD symptoms |
Is volunteering voluntary? Exploring the dark side of volunteering. |
Differences between meaningful and psychologically rewarding occupations: A cross-cultural perspective |
Practicing Occupational Justice: The Capabilities Approach |
A mobile Occupational Performance assistive tool (m-Assist app) for people with executive dysfunction after an acquired brain injury: a usability study
Annika Öst Nilsson |
Kim Lee |
Louise Farnworth |
Zelda Coetzee |
Bodil Winther Hansen |
Marilyn B Cole, Kit Sinclair and Jennifer Creek |
Hólmdís Fr Methúsalemsdóttir |
Els Knippenberg |
Being a co-worker or a manager to a person returning to work after stroke: A challenge facilitated by cooperation and flexibility |
Professions identity among occupational therapist students in USA and Denmark- a comparison across cultures |
Translating accessible housing design policy into virtual reality: An innovative interdisciplinary approach
Innovative development of a school- to -work transition programme for learners with intellectual disability attending a special school in Stellenbosch |
"Doing" creative activities influence everyday life -An action research study in mental health |
Global perspectives in professional reasoning for occupational therapists working on the margins: New ways of thinking to guide practitioners in reaching underserved populations |
Social Inclusion, Disability and Environments (SIDE): looking OUT-SIDE for play occupation and children with disabilities

An intelligent activity-based client-centred training system: a pilot study on motivation, usability and credibility in persons with central nervous system diseases
Inger Jansson |
Karin Bishop |
Eli Langørgen |
Ann Natasja Nielsen |
Nastaran Doroud |
Narges Shafaroodi |
Katherine Jones |
Bong-Keun Jung |
The concept of ‘work ability' from the view point of employers
Occupational therapy: Improving lives:, saving money demonstrating the impact of occupational therapy
Do we practice what we preach? Ambivalence towards students with disabilities, as they struggle to demonstrate their capabilities in the academic and professional world |
The sensory profile of children in Danish primary school |
‘Life journey’; processes of choosing and experiencing occupational engagement in mental health recovery
Occupational therapists' clinical reasoning: A qualitative study |
Occupational justice and territory: Exploring a new form of occupational injustice |
The impact of telerehabilitation system on health promotion of people with disabilities in community settings |
Margo van Hartingsveldt |
Malin Mongs |
Writing Readiness Inventory Tool In Context (WRITIC): normative data in regular education and initial evaluation in special education
How to sustain OT core values and competence in mental and physical health |
Helen Buchanan and Lana van Niekerk |
Merrole Penman and Yvonne Thomas |
Catherine Piersol |
Mellissa Prunty |
Rudo Marceline Madzorera |
Tim Barlott |
Nerida Hyett |
Julius Kamwesiga |
Work transition following serious hand injury: current occupational therapy practice
1000 hours of practice education - Informed by tradition or evidence? |
An evidence-based occupational therapy in-home intervention for veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury: Veteran-identified problems, collaboratively generated intervention strategies, and impact on occupational performance

An examination of the long writing pauses in children with developmental coordination disorder using eye and pen movements |
Caregivers’ knowledge attitude and perceptions towards Occupational Therapy in mental health Zimbabwe |
The use of SMS and social media to support reflective practice for health students in Indigenous health and education placements |
Re-imagining clients as communities: Designing a community-centred practice framework for occupational therapy |
A controlled feasibility study of a mobile phone supported client-centered ADL-intervention F@ceTM after stroke in Uganda |
Lisa Mahaffey |
Giovanna Boniface |
Lea Šuc |
Alexandrine Proulx |
Greea Muller |
Why Medicalizing Madness Has Not Worked: The Impact of Introducing a Disability Studies Lens to Mental Health Service Providers and Users |
Professional advocacy: If not you then who? |
The Role of Occupational Therapists in Slovenia in Creating an Inclusive Educational System |
Time Management and Organization of Occupational Schedule of People with Borderline Personality Disorder |
Vocational rehabilitation for young stroke survivors in Gauteng public healthcare: Occupational therapists' attitudes and perceptions |
Caitlin McDowell |
Tsitsi Murove |
Siaw Chui Chai |
Loani Marx |
Mia Dahl Jensen |
Deidré Venter |
Inken Kuehhirt |
Anita Perr |
An international scoping review of workplace adjustments for employees with mental illness
Evaluation of the impact of Participatory Community Practice Projects conducted by Occupational Therapy students on the Practice of Occupational Therapy in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia |
Basics of innovation in health sciences: an overview of a new multidisciplinary course |
The occupational difficulties and perceptions regarding support and intervention of adolescents with learning difficulties (LD) and their parents in South Africa |
An explorative study of the experiences of participation in an ”Individual Placement and Support” (IPS) program in Denmark for people with severe mental illness |
Towards successful employment for persons with intellectual disability: Supported employment as a service model |
The concept of occupational apartheid: Helpful or hurtful? |
The ConnectAbility Challenge: Design Challenge for Digital Tech |
Carole James |
Emma Ashcroft |
Keli Mu |
Helene Lidström |
Jayne Webster |
Michelle Janse van Rensburg |
Mentally healthy workplaces: a multicomponent approach |
Evaluating the impact of an innovative education model to build capacity for the future of occupational therapy in developing countries: Vietnam case study |
Facilitating interprofessional and culturally-competent patient care through experiential learning in China |
Students` with disabilities need of individual adjustments in high school |
Should I stay or should I go? An exploration of factors influencing retention of occupational therapists working in mental health services in Aotearoa/ New Zealand |
The contribution of Occupational Therapy to the training of Community Health Workers |
Batia Marom |
Aziza Kalam |
Donna Drynan |
Lisa Wegner |
Sissel Alsaker |
Erica Blokker |
Annelie Schedin Leiulfsrud |
Metka Javh |
Factors related to work participation among manual workers after hand injuries: one year follow up cohort study |
An occupation-based community development programme with women to address the prevention of non-communicable diseases in South Africa |
Occupational Therapy Education: Exploring the concept of resilience and its relationship to learning |
Educators’ perspectives of HealthWise Zambia - an evidence-based, life and leisure skills programme in Zambian high schools |
Mental health work: Enacted narratives in milieu therapy
Perspectives of healthcare professionals on the collaboration with informal caregivers
Social participation in theory and practice – The perspectives of persons with a spinal cord injury |
The Role of an Occupational Therapist in Tele-Rehabilitation for Stroke Patients |
Patrice Malonza |
Vanessa Jewell |
Kimberley Persons |
Naama Katz |
Work environment adaptive mechanisms used by women living with HIV/AIDS in Gaborone, Botswana: a case study |
Use of the occupation-centered intervention assessment to develop professional reasoning in occupational therapy students
Occupations of young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities: From their perspective
"Mediation based Communication" (MBC) - Recovery and wellbeing oriented communication in mental health (MH)
Q & A |
Q & A
Q & A
Q & A
Q & A
Q & A
Q & A |
13:00 |
14:00 |
SE-34 |
SE-35 |
SE-36 |
SE-37 |
SE-38 |
SE-39 |
SE-40 |
SE-41 |
SE-42 |
Guided Posters |
Ageing and Health |
In Congress Workshop |
OT Education |
Curricula Focus |
Working on the Margins |
Environment and Performance |
Oncology/ QoL/MS |
Occupation Based Community Development |
Acquired Brain Injury |
Positioning Education for Public Good |
Chair: Sandra Bressler |
Chair: Christiane Mentrup |
Chair: Matumo Ramafikeng |
Chair: Liesl Peters |
Chair: Virginia (Ginny) Stoffel |
Chair: Chikwanha Theodora Mildred |
Chair: Gail Whiteford |
Chair: Karen Aranha |
Chair: Rulaine Smith |
Room: Auditorium 2 |
Room: 1.4 |
Room: 2.4 |
Room: 2.6 |
Room: Auditorium 1 |
Room: 1.6 |
Room: Ballroom East |
Room: Ballroom West |
Room: Roof Terrace |
Room: Exhibition Hall |
Berla Moreira de Moraes |
Mary Black |
Sebestina Dsouza |
Kate Mkandawire |
Jose Rafols |
Elin Ekbladh and Birgitta Hansson |
Corine Rijpkema |
Lucia Hess-April |
Sophie O'Keefe |
Beate Krieger
Attempts to enhance political reasoning skills of OT students - experiences in how students become politically aware and skilled in a counterbalanced, regulated and wealthy country like Switzerland.
Debi Hinerfeld
Predictors of Social Change Leadership Values in Entry Level Occupational Therapy Students
Sarah-Maude Gagnon
Response to intervention: a solution for school-aged children with autism?
Ana Beatriz Zimmermann
Curriculum review: a path to enhance social responsiveness in Occupational Therapy education
Cori Schmitz
Profiling and Promoting Educational Research in Occupational Therapy: A Canadian Experience
Amelia Di Tommaso
A phenomenological exploration of occupation-based practice and education: Occupational therapy graduates' perspectives.
Sandra Maria Galheigo
Understanding lower-income children's needs within a university hospital setting using an occupational therapy critical perspective: assessment dimensions to be considered
Marija Tomsic
Home-based rehabilitation: Occupational therapy students' perspective
Kerry Thomas
Occupation and climate change: considerations for decision-making and engagement |
Accessibility and wayfinding of elderly people in urban parks: a case study in a zoobotanic park in the northeast of Brazil |
Oasis in the desert: Building pathways to occupational and community participation for refugees and asylum seekers in tumultuous times
Capacity building for occupational therapy in Vietnam: an India-Vietnam collaboration for knowledge transfer to support contextually relevant occupational therapy education and practice
The impact of conceptualisations of disability on development of new Occupational Therapy curriculum in Malawi
The Impact of Marginalization, Armed Conflict and Longitudinal Stress on the Health and Wellness of Children: Exploring Vulnerabilities, Resiliency and how Occupational Therapy can help.
Psychosocial Work Potential in People with Common Mental Disorders –A comparison before and after cognitive behavioural therapy
The role of Occupational Therapy in interdisciplinary cancer rehabilitation
Towards critical occupational therapy practice: reflections on the development of critical literacy in an occupational therapy curriculum in South Africa
“This is a good one, I mean this is my life story”: understanding the experience of narrative storytelling for adults with acquired brain injury

Lizette Norin |
Person-environment fit among older adults with long-standing spinal cord injury: Housing accessibility and housing adaptations |
Ashley Halle |
Patricia Precin, Beth Chiariello and Bari Diamond |
Solomon Fasika, Anushka Joseph, Heather Aldersey, Rosemary Lysaght and Catherine Donnelly |
Tara Collins |
Annamarie Van Jaarsveld |
Marc Sampedro Pilegaard |
Melandri van Jaarsveld |
Mandy Stanley |
Filling in the GAP: Occupational Therapy's Role in Interprofessional Geriatric Assessment Team |
SPOTS: A model for the creation of sustainable, population-based, occupational therapy fieldwork sites
Establishing occupational therapy training in Ethiopia: The University of Gondar / Queen’s University partnership
Occupational therapy interventions to prevent bullying
Back to Urth playgrounds: Addressing sensory needs of children in deprived settings
Efficacy of an occupational therapy-based intervention in people with advanced cancer: A randomised controlled trial |
The use of ‘occupation as a means' within occupational therapy community development practice settings
Connections between choice, control and occupational identity for people with spinal cord or brain injury |
Ana Isabel Beserra Macedo |
Promoting functional independence and occupational justice among hospitalized older patients in Northern Brazil: sharing professional experiences of an Occupational Therapy Service at a Northern Brazil´s hospital |
Theresa Westgård |
Stephanie J Dapice Wong and Rivka Molinsky |
Marianne Olsen |
Viva Harrison |
Janke Van der Walt |
Ying-Chun Chou |
Nadine Blankvoort |
Laura Jolliffe |
Displaying positive tendencies for decreased levels of frailty and increased levels of self-rated health: implementing a continuum of care in a real-life context |
Multi-disciplinary health science students’ exposure to and perceptions of electronic medical records
Developing an occupational therapy curriculum for Zambia - a collaborative process
The power & the glory? Exploring how occupational therapists address the spirituality of children with physical disabilities
Emerging factors influencing motor skill development among preschool learners in the West Coast of South Africa |
The ice-breaking stage of oncology occupational therapy in Taiwan |
Neighbours at the gate: Occupational exploration of alternative approaches to refugee resettlement and integration in the Netherlands
Innovative use of the environment to reduce the length of post-traumatic amnesia after brain injury
Miia Rahja |
Dorothy Russell |
Siew Yim Loh |
Economic evaluations of occupational therapy for people with cognitive and/or functional decline: A systematic review |
Longitudinal study: "developmental resource stimulation programme" |
Cancer survivorship care: Exploring an occupational participation perspective |
Trine Alise Magne |
Hanske Flieringa |
Victor Alochi |
Gitte Stokholm |
Nadia Domingo and Melissa Filter |
Musaropah Sapihis |
Izabella Oliveira Rodrigues |
Marte Ørud Lindstad |
Aiming for participation in daily activities through reablement: a qualitative study |
Facilitating academic socialisation and literacy through an intervention programme: Reflections of an occupational therapy educator
Occupational therapy training institutions/schools in Africa
"Doing nothing all over again" - children's occupational participation in residential homes |
The perceptions of parents regarding the effectiveness of short term, intensive occupational therapy for newly diagnosed children with autism spectrum disorders in a tertiary hospital in South Africa: a case study |
Occupational participation, Meaningful activity and quality of life among colorectal cancer |
An exploration of the occupations of live-in domestic workers in Brasília: work and occupational injustice

"I worked hard to recover, but I couldn't identify what I had to do". A qualitative study investigating experiences with community-based rehabilitation services after traumatic brain injury with long-term cognitive problems |
Annikki Arola |
Ina Roosen |
Helga Burger |
Lara Cowpe |
Melanie Ruest |
Shaheed Soeker |
Belonging to and longing for home in two places - experiences of aging in migration |
Being through doing: Increasing occupational performance of children in a refugee hostel |
The frequency of re-hospitalisation of psychiatric patients in Namibia: heralding the need for change in the care model for occupational therapists |
Evaluating occupational therapy practice in oncology and palliative care – challenge or opportunity? |
Knowledge translation process of Algo in Quebec (Canada) homecare services: what is the perspective of occupational therapists? |
The model of occupational self efficacy: A model for the reintegration of persons with brain injuries to their worker roles |
Anci Francis |
Tania Buys |
Ana Paula Serrata Malfitano |
Marina Di Napoli Pastore |
Marie Holmefur |
Eva Månsson Lexell |
Erica Bourn and Sithembelenkosini Ngcobo |
Linda Stigen |
The Elderly: Living with purpose |
Topics for a core undergraduate South African vocational rehabilitation curriculum - results of a consensus process
Latin America Occupational Therapy: reflections on professional education and social issues
Who says the word? The place of activities and children's knowledge of Mozambican children from a sociocultural perspective. |
Let’s Get Organized: pilot study of an occupational therapy group intervention aimed to improve time management skills
The Fatigue Management Program for people with multiple sclerosis - A feasibility study among Swedish occupational therapists
Becoming an occupational therapist: Critically thinking about who we are and what we bring in contexts of diversity |
The conflicted practice; municipal occupational therapists' experiences with assessment of clients with cognitive impairments |
Jozica Petek |
Inge Sonn-De Minck |
Noémi Dahan-Oliel |
Sharon Keesing |
Mehdi and Farzaneh Yazdani |
Maria Agostina Ciampa |
OT's Ageing
Occupational therapy students’ experiences and perceptions of culture during fieldwork education |
An interdisciplinary clinic for children with arthrogryposis: Impact on clinicians and families
The untapped potential of occupational therapy: making a difference for women and their partners during early breast cancer survivorship |
Immigration, health and social participation: A qualitative content analysis
Specific work integration program with a patient with traumatic brain injury
Lili Liu |
Lyle Duque |
Satisfaction with learning, and experience of communities of practice among fieldwork students:face-to-face vs remote supervision |
Using the WFOT's Minimum Standards for the Education of Occupational Therapists (2016) to Assess Educational Programmes |
Q & A
Q & A |
Q & A
Q & A
Q & A |
Q & A |
15:30 |
16:00 |
SE-43 |
SE-44 |
SE-45 |
SE-46 |
SE-47 |
SE-48 |
SE-49 |
SE-50 |
SE-51 |
Guided Posters |
Ageing and Health |
In Congress Workshop |
Decolonising Education |
Developing the Profession |
Neurological Conditions in Children |
Mental Health |
Human Rights Issues |
Participation and Social Inclusion |
Neurological Conditions in Adults |
Impact of Occupational Therapy |
Chair: Thavanesi Gurayah |
Chair: Yvonne Thomas |
Chair: Sebestina Anita Dsouza |
Chair: Lee-Ann Jacobs-Nzuzi Khuabi |
Chair: Shaheed Soeker |
Chair: Pam Gretschel |
Chair: Lesley Garcia |
Chair: Juliana Freeme |
Chair: Nga mihi Tracey |
Room: Auditorium 2 |
Room: 1.4 |
Room: 2.4 |
Room: 2.6 |
Room: Auditorium 1 |
Room: 1.6 |
Room: Ballroom East |
Room: Ballroom West |
Room: Roof Terrace |
Room: Exhibition Hall |
Aileen Bergström |
Kit Sinclair |
Soemitro Poerbodipoero |
Kobela Veronica Ramodike |
Livia Magalhães |
Elizabeth Taylor |
Clare Hocking, Elizabeth Townsend and Jenni Mace |
Rachel Russell |
Jacqueline Leenders |
Seiko Watanabe
Embracing and Empowering: The Role of Occupational Therapy in Recovery from Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Jenny Hultqvist
Subjective quality of life among people with psychiatric disabilities attending community-based day centres or Clubhouses
Chaantal Hughes and Adieba Gamiet
Exploring the Occupational Therapy journey and contribution in the redesign of a recovery based programme for adults suffering from severe mental illnesses (SMI) and comorbid substance use disorders (SUD) at a medium term stay facility in the Western Cape
Pat Precin
Effectiveness of the Living Skills Recovery Curriculum on Dual Diagnosis Clients
Shu-Ping Chen
The Caring Campus Project – Using an occupational perspective in health promotion and community mobilization to target substance misuse on post-secondary campuses
Tais Marcolino
An instrument to map and sustain clinical reasoning: A strategy from a Brazilian community of practice
Emmanuelle Jasmin
Clinical practicums in kindergarten from low socioeconomic neighborhoods: An exploratory study |
Reablement and smart products - How does it work? |
Occupational focus on human displacement: working with displaced persons and refugees
Occupational Therapy students with refugees and asylum seekers: Education innovation through a community based partnership |
Development of a valid and reliable professional competence assessment tool for final year occupational therapy students in South Africa |
Effectiveness of the Cognitive Orientation to Daily Occupational Performance (CO-OP) in improving the occupational performance of children and adolescents with cerebral palsy |
A retrospective look at creating success for forensic clients in the community

A Decade On: Working together to revise the WFOT position statement on human rights |
Development of a process protocol to guide practice in the design and construction of home modification for older and disabled people |
Activity balance: An important outcome measure for fatigue management in neuromuscular diseases |
Hans Jonsson |
Fasloen Adams |
Nousheena Firfirey |
Isaac Odongo |
Karen Arblaster |
Ann McDonald |
Stephanie Tremblay |
Maria Haak |
Active lifestyle all your life – the development and evaluation of an occupation based multifactorial falls-prevention program among older individuals at risk
Decolonising OT epistemology: Is it needed and is it possible?
The evaluation of the Integrated Client-Centered Intervention Programme (ICIP) for clients with MDR TB at DP Marais Hospital in the Western Cape
Assessment of community perceptions, beliefs and societal-traditional practices toward disability that inhibit Occupational Therapy intervention and rehabilitation for children with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus in Northern Uganda
Educating students to support recovery: consumers' priorities for recovery-oriented mental health curricula
The power of narrative ethics: Why your client's story matters
Improving the participation of youth with disabilities in community-based occupations: The effectiveness of the PREP intervention
Associations between social participation and stages of Parkinson's Disease |
Tove Lise Nielsen |
Peter Ndaa |
Hester van Biljon |
Domonique de Klerk |
Elizabeth Anne McKay |
Keiko Shikako-Thomas |
Yeasir Arafat Alve |
Yvonne Veenhuizen |
Intensive client-centred occupational therapy in the home improves older adults' occupational performance, and is still effective at follow-up 6 months after baseline. Results from a Danish randomised controlled trial
A phenomenological study exploring the professional identity development of the first cohort of occupational therapists trained in Ghana: participants’ perceptions in their final year

Mentoring clinical occupational therapist offering vocational rehabilitation in public healthcare. A critical reflection on four years’ experience
Exploring the experiences in occupational therapy management of children with cerebral palsy within the Department of Health in KwaZulu-Natal Province
Digital Inclusion: Using personal Wikis with Mental Health service users and staff in client centred planning and recovery journeys |
Rights-based approaches in childhood disabilities |
Exploring the challenges in quality of daily living among mothers of children with autism in Bangladesh |
Factors influencing outcome and implementation of Energetic, a fatigue self-management programme for patients with a neuromuscular disease |
SundayTayo Eleyinde |
Janet Richmond |
Occupational therapy and the united nations conventions on the right of people with disability: appraising awareness for effective implementation |
Assessing Upper Limb Function in People with Parkinson's disease: Timed Upper Limb Assessment Validation |
Anne Escher |
Rozenn Beguin Botokro |
Michelle Elizabeth Uys |
Lena Bergqvist |
Monique Wilkins |
Vidya Sundar |
Rosemary Doe-Asinyo |
Md. Julker Nayan |
Intervention effectiveness of health promotion, management, and maintenance interventions on occupational performance, quality of life, and health-care utilization for community dwelling older adults: A systematic review

Creation and implementation of new educational programmes of OT in low- and middle- incomes countries: achievements, challenges and keys for success |
The use of appreciative inquiry with mental health consumers – towards responsive occupational therapy programs

Cognitive orientation to daily occupational performance approach - a promising approach to achieve personal goals and enhance executive functions in young persons with spina bifida or cerebral palsy |
Gumboot dancing as a means to occupational enrichment of individuals admitted in forensic psychiatry |
The role of disability status on job satisfaction, work engagement, and self-efficacy among people with and without disabilities |
Prevalence of developmental coordination disorders among children in selected schools in Accra, Ghana |
Post-rehabilitation job status of people with spinal cord injury in Bangladesh |
Jeff Boniface |
Hadas Treisman |
The perspective of persons with disabilities related to employment versus benefits |
Occupational performance and life satisfaction of spouses of men with spinal cord injury |
Lindy Clemson |
Zelda O'Reilly |
Linda Nordstsrand |
Rulaine Smith |
Rebecca Renwick |
Khalilah Johnson |
Ann-Marie Öhrvall |
Introducing the tailored activity program to the Australian health context: A pilot study of an occupational therapy program for people with dementia and their carers
The relevance of the UFS occupational therapy model – perceptions of students and practitioners
Longitudinal development of hand function in children with unilateral spastic cerebral palsy, 18 months - 12 years of age |
Diagnostic test accuracy of cognitive and occupational performance tests used in the identification of HIV associated neurocognitive disorders |
Inclusive strategies for actively engaging youths with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) in research |
Institutionalized adults with intellectual disability, basic human rights, and the problematization of nonverbal choice-making |
"With CO-OP I am the boss", experiences of cognitive orientation to daily occupational performance approach in young adults with spina bifida or cerebral palsy |
Robyn McGrath |
Katja Angleitner Narobe |
Challenges in the process of cross-border repatriation between South Africa and Malawi: a case study of two clients with spinal cord injury post rehabilitation at Western Cape Rehabilitation Centre |
Living independently after epilepsy surgery |
Megan Chang |
Jo-Celene De Jongh |
Sleep Quality and Sensory Processing in U.S. Community-Dwelling Older Adults |
Professionalism: A case for medical education to honour the societal contract
Q & A |
Q & A |
Q & A |
Q & A |
17:30 |
Sessions Finish |
CONGRESS DAY 3 - Thursday 24 May 2018 |
8:00 |
Registration opens |
9:00 |
User Perspective Panel – Impact of Occupational Therapy: Voices from the Field Auditorium 1 Chair: Marion Fourie
Xakathile Dabula
Partnering with occupational therapy researchers for disability inclusion – a rural perspective
Maxwell Mboxela
My journey of recovery: a mental health story
Thandie Ngushelo and Daisy Mapiela
Grandmothers Against Poverty and Aids (GAPA) |
10:30 |
11:00 |
SE-52 |
SE-53 |
SE-54 |
SE-55 |
SE-56 |
SE-57 |
SE-58 |
SE-59 |
SE-60 |
SE-61 |
Guided Posters |
Diversity as Strength |
In Congress Workshop |
In Congress Workshop |
Responsiveness to Needs |
Developing the Profession |
Autism |
Mental Health |
Contemporary Practice Issues: Challenging the Status Quo |
Pluriversal Knowledges |
Mobility and Driving |
Occupational Therapy Influence on Global Issues |
Chair: Sandra Rowan |
Chair: Adam Lo |
Chair: Merrloee Penman |
Chair: Lyndsay Koch |
Chair: Clement Nhunzvi |
Chair: Anita Bundy |
Chair: Sandra Maria Galheigo |
Chair: Anne Dickerson |
Chair: Kit Sinclair |
Room: Auditorium 2 |
Room: 1.41 - 2 |
Room: 1.43 - 4 |
Room: 2.4 |
Room: 2.6 |
Room: Auditorium 1 |
Room: 1.6 |
Room: Ballroom East |
Room: Ballroom West |
Room: Roof Terrace |
Room: Exhibition Hall |
Sacha Trivett |
Jennifer Creek |
Ana Malfitano |
Shinead Borkovic |
Efrat Selanikyo |
Kerry Evetts |
Olindah Silaule |
Angela Berndt |
Sarah Austin |
Navah Z. Ratzon |
Hirokazu Nishikata
An occupational perspective of childhood poverty in Japan
Lyle Duque
Measuring and staging severity of disability in a nationally representative sample: Implications for occupational therapy practice and policy formulations.
Rita Fleming-Castaldy
An historical analysis of occupational therapy and social activism: From settlement houses to reductionism to disability rights and occupational justice Subtitle: Lessons learned from the profession's first century to inform our future, enable well-being, and influence social policy
Annie Carrier
Occupational therapists' change agent role: supporting clinical reasoning with an advocacy / planning model
Moses Ikiugu
Sustainability Matters: Guiding Principles on Sustainability, Ecological Health, and Occupational Therapy
Mariana D'Amico
Perspectives and Recommendations: Occupational Therapy and Transgender Populations
Lynsey McClean
Occupational therapists' views of colleagues with seen and unseen disabilities
Jennifer Crandall
The worldwide displacement crisis: What can occupational therapy do?
Bryant Edwards
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer+ Individuals (LGBTQ+): Occupational Therapy's Role Promoting Access and Reducing Disparity
Salvador Bondoc
Gender Disparity and the Lived Experience of Male Occupational Therapists in the United States |
My clinician has a disability? Client perspectives on professionalism of clinicians with disabilities suggest greater impact with diversity

More than words can say: Decolonising occupational therapy terminology
Social occupational therapy: Advancing in fields of practice
Educating occupational therapists TO BE global citizens AND occupationally-just practitioners: An evidence informed conversation |
Vocational intervention programs for young adults with Autism spectrum disorders: From theory to practice in Occupational Therapy |
Exploring the practitioners' perspective on the clinical utility of three sensory modulation instruments for children with ASD in South Africa.
Change in activity participation of the mental health care users’ attending occupational therapy programme in rural acute mental health unit in South Africa |
Being at the political table: Building a national professional profile through focussed representation |
Eliciting knowledge: Tapping into the intuition of an experienced therapist |
The Effectiveness of an Occupational Therapy Metacognitive-Functional Intervention for the Improvement of Human Risk Factors of Bus Drivers
Laura Van Puymbrouck |
Tania Rauch-van der Merwe |
Vedrana Bolic Baric |
Elizabeth DeGrace |
Anita Mc Callum |
Rebecca Aldrich |
Lieketseng Ned |
Shamima Akter |
Exploring the understanding of entry-level graduate OT students’ perceptions of disability |
Patterns of inclusion and exclusion: Panopticism and technologies of power in occupational therapy curriculum |
The occupational transition process to upper secondary school, further education and/or work in Sweden – as described by young adults with Asperger syndrome and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder |
Autism: A photo analysis of family occupation and health |
Reflections of an occupational therapy technician, who developed within and beyond the boundaries of the occupational therapy profession |
Occupational therapists as street-level bureaucrats: Understanding how policies shape both practice and engagement in occupation |
Marrying Indigenous knowledge systems (IKS) and occupation: A critical epistemic contribution to occupational therapy
Wheelchair Skills Capacity, Confidence and Performance of Manual Wheelchair Users with Spinal Cord injury in Selected Communities of Bangladesh |
Allison Burns |
Camille Dieterle |
Gehta de Jager and Bianca Luwes |
Claudia Hilton |
Justin Scanlan |
Frank Kronenberg |
Karen Whalley-Hammell and Kavita Murthi |
Nicky Seymour |
Raising a child with developmental differences: Exploring cultural attitudes toward developmental disability and roles for occupational therapy in Kyrgyzstan
Threading environmental sustainability into occupational science education: An undergraduate course in wellness and sustainable living
Peer-assisted learning during undergraduate fieldwork education: evidence of Fink’s theory of significant learning |
Leisure participation among children with autism spectrum disorders from childhood through adolescence |
The Australian and New Zealand Occupational Therapy Mental Health Academics (ANZOTMHA) network: A unique collaboration ready for replication
Humanity—Occupation—Health: A radical repositioning of occupational therapy’s ontological and epistemological foundations
Scrutinizing the applicability of the dominant classification of occupations into self-care, productivity, and leisure in the context of the caste system in India
CBR workers perspective of their role in wheelchair service provision |
Michelle Elliot and Lindsey Nicholls |
Mariana D'Amico |
Tal Jarus |
Brittany St John |
Brittany Conners |
Robin Joubert |
Marie-Josée Drolet |
Caroline Rule |
An inability to mourn: racism, shame and grief

Occupational Therapy and transgender populations: Perspectives and recommendations
Lessons learned – Evaluation of programs supporting the Inclusion of disabled people in health education and professions
Socioeconomic status and functional independent behavior for children with autism |
Exploring OT practice in the U.S. criminal justice system: Occupational justice through a jail-based re-entry program
Global occupational transformation, in a technologically, climatically and politically changing future: where to OT?
Ethical issues faced by occupational therapists working with Aboriginal people in Quebec-Canada
The effectiveness of using wheelchair seating principles to optimise the driving performance of drivers with spinal cord injury: Illustration through Case Studies |
Farahiyah Wan Yunus |
Self-regulated learning to improve daily activities and school task in children with autism spectrum disorders |
Wiebke Hoppstädter |
Sok Mui, May Lim |
Dee Christie and Sarah Cambridge |
Snaefrídur Thóra Egilson |
Genevieve Pepin |
Andrew Freeman |
Adrienne Daniels |
Delphine Labbé |
"Building an inclusive work biography" - do occupational therapists practice what they preach? |
Focusing on ability beyond disability: Experiential learning from persons with disability
A journey of exploration – evidence based practice and national guideline development with the National Institute of Care and Clinical Excellence (NICE) in the UK |
Parent perspectives on home participation of high-functioning children with ASD compared with a matched group of children without ASD |
Occupational therapy and eating disorders: When occupational needs support recovery
Working collectively to advance occupational therapy: a necessary condition for an effective evolution
Street play as occupation for pre-teens in Belhar, South Africa
The experience of powered wheelchair use over time. A mixed-methods, longitudinal study
John Salgado |
Gael Orsmond |
"Service – learning" in occupational therapy education: The inclusion of people with disabilities from an intercultural approach |
Understanding the contribution of anxiety to school functioning in transition-age youth with high functioning autism spectrum disorder |
Helen Claire Smith |
Leigh-Ann Richards |
Refiloe Mapitso Thaisi |
Marie-Christine Potvin |
Margaux d'Hangest d'Yvoy |
Jane Davis |
Thuli Mthembu |
Megan Giljam |
Finding purpose through altruism: the potential of ‘doing for others' during asylum |
Developing socially transformative practice: Reflections from educators and students in community development practice |
Learning, where health and education meets: The implementation of the White Paper 6 on Inclusive Education in Primary Schools in Cape Town |
EuREKA! Enhancing Leisure Participation in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder through Coaching in Context |
The development of a Family Quality of Life tool directing family centred Occupational Therapy for forensic mental health care users and their families: A Master’s dissertation |
Occupation promotes health. Really?: How a shift in a fundamental principle in occupational therapy can support client-centred, occupational enablement
Spirituality in the occupational therapy community fieldwork process: A qualitative study in the South African context |
Positioned for Function: The impact of the appropriate wheelchair on occupational performance |
Leanne Leclair |
Bettina Weber |
Leonie Boland |
Sinem Kars |
Lucas Minisini |
Dominique Van de Velde |
Philippe Archambault |
Exploring the practice process of Canadian occupational therapists engaged in community centred practice |
Learning ‘cultural diversity’ is based on international cooperation: ICC@home |
Determinants of tenancy sustainment following homelessness: A systematic review |
Effect of DIR/Floor time intervention on adaptive behavior of a child with autism spectrum disorder: A case study |
Self-efficacy in the occupations of adults with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) |
How competent are occupational therapists in working according to a Bio-Psycho-Social model in healthcare? The current status and validation of a scale
Manual Wheelchair for People with Diabetes: Experts' Opinion on Indications for Wheelchair Adjustments |
Eva Magnus |
Lea Brandt and Jo-Celene de Jongh |
Yuri Maritan |
Gwen Reddy |
San-Ping Wang and Jen-Suh Chern |
Sarah Kantartzis |
Sophie Lytoft Simonsen |
Emma M. Smith |
Living in group homes - the right to activities and participation |
Occupational therapy students’ perspectives of ethics in two countries: South Africa and the United States of America |
SEXUALITY AND OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY: is it possible to sustain and influence clients' intimacy?
A qualitative study exploring the lived experiences and coping strategies of families living with autism spectrum disorder
Association between employment outcomes and symptomatic remission in chronic patients with schizophrenia |
Revising "Occupational therapy defined as a complex intervention". Contributing to the development of the profession
Reduction of preventable aspiration pneumonia in hospitalized patients with dysphagia. A Quality Improvement project at department of Neurology at Slagelse Hospital in Denmark |
Wheelchair and Scooter Use and Access in Canada: Prevalence and Policy |
Sarah Roberts |
Dominick Mshanga |
Nicole Rautenbach |
Natasha Layton |
The use of functional capacity evaluations as a self advocacy tool within disability inclusive development by people with disabilities in Umzimkulu, KwaZulu Natal |
Perspectives of occupational therapists on the implementation of client-centred practice in Tanzania |
Criminal capacity of children committing violent crimes: Where does OT fit in? |
Current and future outcome measurement for wheeled mobility and seating |
Rachel Snodgrass and Allison Miller |
Celeste Taylor |
Ana Borges da Costa |
Trauma, sensory processing, and the impact of occupational therapy on youth behavior in juvenile corrections |
Thinking (and acting) outside of the box: Advancing Occupational Therapy as emerging practice outside of the traditional medical settings
The impact of circle dance on well-being: a qualitative study |
Q & A |
Q & A |
Q & A
Q & A
Q & A |
Q & A |
Q & A |
13:00 |
14:00 |
SE-62 |
SE-63 |
SE-64 |
SE-65 |
SE-66 |
SE-67 |
SE-68 |
SE-69 |
SE-70 |
SE-71 |
Guided Posters |
Ageing and Health |
In Congress Workshop |
Student Forum: The Traditional and Diverse Faces of Occupational Therapy |
Developing the Profession |
Health Systems and Planning |
Sensory Difficulties |
Mental Health |
Human Rights Issues |
Locale Shaping OT |
Assistive Technology |
Bridging the Gap between Clinical Practice and Research |
Chair: Jennifer Wenborn |
Chair: Sithembelenkosini Ngcobo |
Chair: Fasloen Adams |
Chair: Rogini Pillay |
Chair: Annamarie Van Jaarsveld |
Chair: Genevieve Pepin |
Chair: Claudia von Zweck |
Chair: Jennifer Creek |
Chair: Hanske Flieringa |
Chair: Tecla Mlambo |
Room: Auditorium 2 |
Room: 1.41 - 2 |
Room: 1.43 - 4 |
Room: 2.4 |
Room: 2.6 |
Room: Auditorium 1 |
Room: 1.6 |
Room: Ballroom East |
Room: Ballroom West |
Room: Roof Terrace |
Room: Exhibition Hall |
Athena Yijung Tsai |
Jaime Muñoz |
The Student Forum is for students to meet and engage with a leading Occupational Therapist. The session will conclude with a Q & A via social media
Joan Verhoef |
Fiona Breytenbach and Lynn Soulsby |
Janine van der Linde |
Debbie Fewster |
Carrie Anne Marshall |
Frida Lygnegård |
Sarah Wallcook |
Leen De Coninck
Closing the gap between scientific research and clinical practice
Beth White
The Vona du Toit Model of Creative Ability Foundation UK: a platform to develop OT practice and education, building on African success
Lesley Garcia
The Strategies and Barriers to Integrating the Local Context into a New Occupational Therapy Curriculum in a Country where the Profession is Emerging: A Case Study
Dominique Van de Velde
Why the concept of participation as defined in the International Classification of Functioning disability and Health (ICF) is still difficult to use in clinical practice. A critical review of contemporary literature
Marte Ørud Lindstad
Interprofessional learning in community-based practice: occupational therapy-students' learning experiences
Lisa Mahaffey
Maybe "Participation" also Means Research
Anette Enemark Larsen
How the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure enhances client-centeredness. Benefits, facilitators and challenges identified though a Scoping Review
Lee Ann Westover
Occupational Therapy and Homelessness: Connecting International Research, Practice and Practitioners
Gemma Weekes and Kath Jones
Using a Practice Based Enquiry approach to reclaim occupation-focused practice in a forensic mental health setting
Maria Fe Abejar
Implication of the Attitude towards Research in Occupational Therapy Education |
An exploratory study of the referral factors of independent living training in long-term care |
Practice and possibilities: Growing occupational therapy in criminal justice settings
'Curiosity skilled the cat' Critical thinking and professional curiosity as keys for continuing professional development |
How data can shape a department
Phase 3 in the development of a screening instrument to identify sensory integration difficulties in children from low socio economic environments

Towards the development of a framework of care: Considering the primary caregivers of children with autism spectrum disorder in a South African context
Occupational transition in the process of becoming housed following chronic homelessness
Patterns of participation within domestic life and peer relations- Youth's own experiences |
Report from the World Federation of Occupational Therapists' (WFOT) Global Survey of Current Assistive Technology Use |
Nicola Ann Plastow |
Enabling health and well-being in old Age: A cross-sectional survey of the role of occupational therapy in care homes in South Africa |
Susan Gilbert Hunt |
Angela Wilson |
Rebecca Nicks |
Eva Holmqvist |
Skender Redzovic |
Bryant Edwards |
Teresa Chiu |
Anne Dejager |
Challenging attitudes and understanding of the complexity of residential aged care |
Developing a curriculum for an occupational therapy program in Zambia: Guiding principles and professional considerations
Use of patient related variables to predict occupational therapists time use in clinical settings

Gaze-controlled technology for children with severe multiple disabilities - Parents and professionals' perception of gains, obstacles and prerequisites |
Toward user-centered practice: Designing guidelines for employees within supported housing sections in Trondheim, Norway
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer+ Individuals With Disabilities: An Issue of Access, Participation and Occupational Justice |
Huang-Tu occupation study: A study of occupational therapy theory written in Chinese for use in China
Design for (every)one: Co- designing Do-It-Yourself assistive technology (DIY-AT). A new multidisciplinary team to develop tools: the client, the OT and the designer |
John Wilcox |
Ann Watkyns |
Lauren Wengerd |
An exploratory study on facilitators and barriers to aging-in-place by seniors in New England, USA |
Sensory over responsivity in children of 3-5 years: a descriptive, analytical study |
Functional Utility Of Wearing A Myoelectric Upper Extremity Orthosis In Chronic Stroke Survivors With Moderate Hemiparesis |
Margriet Pol |
Festus Lwambi Mwadziwe |
Erin Arant |
Chané Potgieter |
Cassandra Brooke |
Barry Trentham |
Ellen Cohn |
Allan Kinnear |
Effect of sensor monitoring in an occupational therapy rehabilitation program for older individuals after hip fracture: the SO-HIP trial. A three-arm stepped wedge cluster randomized trial |
Linneaus-Palme Teacher and Student Occupational Therapy (OT) exchange Programme between Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) and Karolinska Institutet (KI), Stockholm Sweden
Bringing occupational therapy to Ukraine: International collaboration to establish the profession as a part of rehabilitation reform triggered by wounded soldiers of the Donbas conflict
The performance of five-year-old children from Mangaung Metro on ten subtests of J. Ayres based Clinical Observations |
Trends in activity participation in a forensic population of mental health care users in Gauteng, South Africa
Occupational Therapists as Allies in Refugee Settlement: An Examination of the Canadian Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program
Preparing for adulthood: Parent and school personnel perspectives on the needs of transition-age youth with autism spectrum disorder |
3D printing and advanced manufacturing transforming medical assistive devices: A sustainable future |
Manon Guay |
Monique Harris |
Fransli Buckle |
Circumstances surrounding 24 cases of bathtub drownings in the elderly |
The validity and reliability of visual perceptual standardised tests in children from the Gauteng Province, South Africa
The effectiveness of multimedia visual perceptual training for children with disabilities: A Systematic Review |
Katarina Galof |
Liat Gafni Lachter |
Gunn Fornes |
Anat Drory-Asayag |
December Mpanza |
Mapheyeledi Motimele |
Gillian Rai |
Kalule Timothy |
Needs and preferences of community-dwelling Slovenian older people |
Mentoring in occupational therapy: A scoping review |
Implementation process of reablement in Municipalities; a Norwegian perspective |
Different sensory profile in children with behavioural insomnia and feeding disorders |
Rural realities in service provision for substance abuse: a qualitative study in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Violence and healing: Exploring the power of collective occupations

An Occupationally Just Society: Improving Global Health |
The Audio-Visual stimulatory device for stimulating cognitive functions in children with Autism |
Lynette Mackenzie |
Lee-Ann Jacobs-Nzuzi Khuabi and Juanita Bester |
Tongai Chichaya |
William B. Mortenson |
Falls prevention in primary health care: Perspectives of occupational therapists and other allied health professionals |
Plotting a curriculum within a competency framework |
Listening to the voices on disability issues in Namibia: Evidence for entrenching occupational justice in disability policy formulation |
Outcomes of a Caregiver-Inclusive Approach to Providing Assistive Technology: A Mixed-Methods Study
Ege Temizkan |
Azette Swanepoel |
Debra Milligan |
Nicolette Soler |
Tracey Partridge |
Jennifer Crandall |
Heidi Lauckner |
Karin van Niekerk |
Effects of virtual reality based balance training on the independence in activities of daily living of geriatric individuals
Diversity potential of the occupational therapy practice framework |
Phoenix Rising: A wellbeing approach to understanding burn recovery in the Indian health system |
Prevalence of sensory symptoms and emotional regulation in Australian children with tic disorders |
Facing one’s fears and becoming empowered through engagement in community-based occupations
The injustices of forced displacement: How occupational therapy is uniquely suited to promote healing
Canadian occupational therapists' multi-layered work with communities: Moving Beyond the individual |
Adapting the Assistive Technology Devices(ATD) Selection Framework (Scherer, Jutai, Fuhrer, Demers, & Deruyter, 2007) for application to young children in an environment with limited resources |
Badriah Alshathri |
Marie-Eve Savard |
Olga Mangusheva and Jedidiah Johnson |
Stefanie Kruger |
Sílvia Martins |
Suzanne Martin |
Changes in living circumstances for the aged in Saudi Arabia: Can occupational therapy make a difference? |
Developing a comprehensive core set on borderline personality disorder based on International Classification of Functioning |
Building blocks of Occupational Therapy as an emerging profession: using a consulting-educator model to address sensory and occupational deprivation in institutionalized children with disabilities. (Cost-effective tools and models of success that can be replicated to promote occupational justice in a country where professional occupational therapy services are not available) |
A pilot study to identify sensory integrative dysfunction in children with bilateral cochlear implants

Addressing the occupational needs of clients with homelessness background: The experience of Centro de Apoio Social de São Bento
A person centred approach for the development of emerging technologies for people with complex disabilities |
Shu-Ping Chen |
Lauren Perks |
Tanya Benjamin-Thomas |
Community development in an occupational therapy curriculum – Creating a logic model to conceptualize course design
Consensus on an Infant Massage Programme for High Risk Infants from Resource Constrained Contexts: A Delphi Study with Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists |
Participatory digital methods and methodologies for transformative occupation-based research among children and youth: Utility and cross-cultural relevance

Q & A
Q & A
Q & A |
Q & A
Q & A |
Q & A |
15:30 |
16:00 |
SE-72 |
SE-74 |
SE-75 |
SE-76 |
SE-77 |
SE-78 |
SE-79 |
SE-80 |
SE-81 |
Guided Posters |
Hand Therapy and Rehabilitation |
In Congress Workshop |
Developing the Profession |
Occupational Measures |
Infants and Child Development |
Mental Health |
Contemporary Practice Issues from Around the World |
Positioning for Purpose |
Stroke Rehabilitation |
Occupational Therapy Practice and Collaboration |
Chair: Pragashnie Govender |
Chair: Zelda Coetzee |
Chair: Lynette Mackenzie |
Chair: Diane Parham |
Chair: Lisa Wegner |
Chair: Terry Crowe |
Chair: Sarah Kantartzis |
Chair: Leeanne Carey |
Chair: Aziza Kalam |
Room: Auditorium 2 |
Room: 1.43 – 4 |
Room: 2.4 |
Room: 2.6 |
Room: Auditorium 1 |
Room: 1.6 |
Room: Ballroom East |
Room: Ballroom West |
Room: Roof Terrace |
Room: Exhibition Hall |
Wendy Young and Vicki Hofmann |
Erin Connor |
Wendy Sherwood |
Janet Njelesani |
Lizelle Jacobs |
Maria Fe Abejar |
Anne Marie Hansen |
Janna MacLachlan |
Jerome Peter Fredericks |
Mia Vermaak
The value of group therapy: towards increased service user involvement in private mental health practice in South Africa
Pamela Roberts and Jeremy Furniss
Translating Quality into Practice: Measuring and Improving the Quality of Occupational Therapy
Angela Wilson
The Development of the Occupational Therapy Profession in Zambia: An Exploration of Influencing Contextual Factors
Esna Carroll
An Explorative Study Towards Best Client-Centred Practice of an Occupational Therapy Life Skill Program
Arscil Rosario Gozon
Project Unbounded: Sustaining a program for free and accessible occupational therapy in an island-province
Christina Lundqvist
Building generic guidelines for patient safety through interprofessional collaboration
Ayat Al Lawati
Interdependence in Occupational Therapy practice: providing culturally safe and relevant practice for clients from Eastern cultures.
Douglene Jackson
A comprehensive approach for assistive technology assessment and intervention across the lifespan with diverse populations
Clare Hubbard
Occupation-based interventions: Collaborative working between an Occupational Therapist and the Chris Burger/Petro Jackson Players' Fund for seriously injured rugby players |
Hand replantation: Rehabilitation (including early active motion) and excellent functional outcome
The Lonely Voice: A call for LGBTQIA+ identity integration, inclusivity and advocacy to diversify the workforce within the OT profession
Understanding effort and maximum effort - their vital importance to activity participation, being, becoming and occupational therapy
Construction of the Occupational Repertoire Development Measure-Parent (ORDM-P)
Neurodevelopmental supportive care in South African NICUs - an essential change of attitude
Peer victimization and its impact to occupational performance
A Qualitative Study of How African Occupational Therapists Perceive, Describe and Experience Effective and Sustainable Global Partnerships
Uncovering reproductions of colonisation within occupational therapy practice: Exploring the utility of institutional ethnography to improve occupational therapy practice in Canadian Indigenous communities
Stroke survivors' experiences of Daily Functioning, one month after receiving Occupational Therapy Intervention as inpatients at one of the hospitals, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa |
Elani Muller |
Judy Ranka |
Ramkumar Govindarajalu |
Clarette Cronjé |
Monique Strauss |
Liesl Peters |
Patrícia Borba |
Lauren Christie |
Occupational therapy guidelines for conditions in which the metacarpophalangeal joints could be splinted in extension
Strategy Application: Addressing the gap in occupational therapy assessment methods |
Standardization of closed ended Questionnaire - Pediatric Functional Independence Measures/Wee-FIM in Arabic version in the context of Qatar

Babies behind bars: the influence of the environment on the occupational participation of infants living with their incarcerated mothers

Towards an emotional regulation scale for adolescents
Theorising occupational science in occupational therapy: Learning from the design of Occupation-based community development campaigns |
Alterity and cultural diversity as mediators of the construction of social technologies with young people in public school
Implementation of a sustainable publicly funded constraint induced movement therapy (CIMT): The ACTIveARM Project |
Peñafrancia Ching |
Disaster preparedness among Filipino occupational therapists |
Amy Buttle |
Mary Evenson |
Tatiana Pontes |
Lian-Marie Drotsky |
Joanne Robertson |
Kristin Koch |
Chiara Buzzelli |
Therese Lebedis |
Feasibility of early active mobilisation following flexor tendon repair in a developing country context: A Randomised Pilot Study |
Mapping Interprofessional Core Competencies to an Occupational Therapy Curriculum: Focus on Entry to Practice Clinical Education |
With word through picture, the child emerges: The construction of the Occupational Repertoire Development Measure-Child (ORDM-C) |
Parents’ facilitation of occupational engagement in children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: A qualitative descriptive study in a rural community in South Africa
Alleviating occupational deprivation on a psychiatric ward in Fiji
Fundamentals of OT in Acute Burn Rehabilitation |
University Education in Mental Health in Argentina. Adequacy of existing curricula to Recommendations for Universities related to the National Mental Health and Addictions Law No. 26.657
Person centred care using goal setting to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of stroke rehabilitation
Pedro Almeida |
Joseph Cipriani |
Johanne Higgins |
Thea Sheila Alonto |
Do occupational therapists prescribe different thumb orthoses? A national survey among Brazilian health professionals |
International University-Clinic Partnerships in Occupational Therapy: Theory, Research and Practice via an Actual Case Study |
Development and validation of a new Quality of Life measure for children living in contexts of vulnerability
Practice Patterns of Occupational Therapists in the Mindanao Region, Philippines: Updates, Issues, and Implications to the Profession |
Eva Elisabet Ejlersen Wæhrens |
Yunwha Jeong |
Aviril Sepulveda |
Julie j. Desrosiers |
Luther Monareng |
Jinlong Cui |
Juan Pablo Saa |
Hand exercise for women with Rheumatoid Arthritis and decreased ADL ability: an exploratory randomized controlled trial |
Establishing the cultural equivalence of the Participation and Environment Measure for Children and Youth (PEM-CY) for use in Korea |
The Role of Occupational Therapy in Maternal-Infant Mental Health |
Validity and reliability of the functional assessment for borderline personality disorder (FAB), a new questionnaire for persons with BPD

South African occupational therapists' perception on self-employment |
Professional reasoning of OT in China, 1986-2006: A historical documentary research
Longitudinal Evaluation of Cognitive Function Post-Stroke: A Scoping Review
Manjusha Vagal |
Dalia Sachs |
Niki Bulckmans |
Mereille Pursad |
Cathrine Arntzen |
Innovative splinting technique for preventing Manus Valgus Deformity following excision of radius due to malignant tumors in pediatric patients |
Meaningful participation in academic life: Support centers for students with disabilities in Higher Education |
Life balance in adolescents |
Through the eyes of an Occupational Therapist: The pathway to recovery from a burn injury |
Negotiation of relational and occupational changes in families' everyday life after stroke |
Amy Menegaldo |
Marieke Coussens |
Desiree van der Vyver and Suzanne Stark |
Phoebe Williamson |
Tais Marcolino |
Susan Ryan |
Bridget Hahn |
Determinants of positive functional outcomes at 16 weeks after flexor tendon repair at a tertiary hospital in South Africa: A descriptive, analytical study |
Cross-cultural validation and adaptation of the flemish version of the participation and environment measure of children and youth (PEM-CY)
Preliminary results of a descriptive audit of the long term developmental outcomes of 30 infants with HIE who received hypothermia at the George Regional Hospital, South Africa |
Sensory modulation optimises daily life when co-created by young people with mental ill health and their families |
Meaning construction on occupational therapy process: Contributions from the Brazilian Dynamic Occupational Therapy Method |
Our invisible cultural cloak: Reflecting and unearthing our cultural knowledge and biases through meta-narratives

Implementing an occupational therapy self-management program for people with stroke in the rehabilitation setting |
Susan de Klerk |
Peggy Martin |
Caitlin Johnson |
Sanjay Kumar Verma |
Jaclyn Schwartz |
Mbabazi Evas Nahabwe |
Gunilla Eriksson |
Cross-cultural adaptation of the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) Questionnaire: Aspects to consider
Beginnings of the network for LGBTQAI+ concerns in occupational therapy in the United States
A profile of assessment instruments used by South African occupational therapists in paediatric practice
Role of Non Integrated Primitive Reflexes with Correlation of Physical Deformities in Perception & Cognitive Functions of Brain and Out Come when Non Retained Primitive Reflexes are Integrated & Physical Deformities Corrected via Exercises |
Systematic Review of Health Self-Management Interventions for Adults with Developmental Disabilities |
The triangular cobweb of factors hindering occupational therapy practice in Ugandan rural communities today
Work ability and perceived functioning in everyday life after participating in a person-centred rehabilitation program targeting return to work after stroke |
Lizahn Cloete |
Molly Bathje |
Jens Schneider |
Managing impact: Occupational therapist as case manager in FASD prevention |
Community Participation in Young Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities |
'Doing gender' through the performance of occupation |
Q & A
Q & A
Q & A
Q & A |
Q & A |
Q & A |
Q & A |
17:30 |
Sessions Finish |
19:00 |
CONGRESS DAY 4 - Friday 25 May 2018 |
8:00 |
Registration opens |
9:00 |
SE-82 |
SE-83 |
SE-84 |
SE-85 |
SE-86 |
SE-87 |
SE-88 |
SE-89 |
SE-90 |
SE-91 |
GP-401 Guided Posters
Guided Posters |
Ageing and Health |
In Congress Workshop |
In Congress Workshop |
OT Education |
Developing the Profession |
Paediatric Chronic Health Conditions |
Mental Health |
Contemporary Practice Issues from Around the World |
Learning to Know |
Hand Therapy and Rehabilitation |
Historicity of Occupational Therapy |
Contestations of Culture in Occupational Therapy |
Chair: Nathan Vytialingam |
Chair: Lizahn Cloete |
Chair: December Mpanza |
Chair: Athena Tsai |
Chair: Anne MacRae |
Chair: Moses Ikiugu |
Chair: Anne Marie Witchger Hansen |
Chair: Susan de Klerk |
Chair: Tania Rauch van der Merwe |
Chair: Maps Motimele |
Room: Auditorium 2 |
Room: 1.41 – 2 |
Room: 1.43 – 4 |
Room: 2.4 |
Room: 2.6
Room: Auditorium 1 |
Room: 1.6 |
Room: Ballroom East |
Room: Ballroom West |
Room: Roof Terrace |
Room: Exhibition Hall |
Room: Exhibition Hall |
Sarah Mkenda |
Helen Hart |
Alison Gerlach |
Eunice Muvindi |
Florencia Itovich |
Denise Justice |
Patricia Schaber |
Marieta Visser |
Deborah Robinson |
Samantha Burley |
Lynette Watson
Crucial events in South African Occupational Therapy (1963-1974) inspired initiatives which rooted Occupational Therapy in measurable practice. The Pretoria Multi-motivational Therapeutic Apparatus (PMTA) and the Vona du Toit Model of Creative Ability (VdTMoCA) were important outcomes of this process.
Katie Robinson
The Enduring Legacy of Lena Hitchcock, World War 1 Occupational Therapy Reconstruction Aide
Anthony Thomas Ephraim
Occupational Therapy Services: Struggles and Successes Towards Building a Holistic Service in a Limited Resource Area
Gustavo Monzeli Multiple histories of occupational therapy in the context of Latin America: arrival, institutionalization and early years of development of the profession
Ana Nunes
Black Empowerment: perspectives of a group of Brazilian Occupational Therapy students
Felecia M. Banks
The Unique Contributions of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUS) in Occupational Therapy Education
Carmenita Dampies
Occupational Therapy Technicians, a much needed category, but slowly dying
Lynsey McClean and Elizabeth McKay
Global Perspectives: How Occupational Therapy Professionals with Disabilities Impact Diverse Workforces
Madeleine Duncan
Lost in Translation: Using Q Methodology in Isixhosa Speaking Communities in South Africa |
Elle Mustion
Translating and cultivating culturally-relevant occupations: promoting community inclusion through vocational participation using an occupational therapy-designed curriculum for children with developmental disabilities living in Ghana, West Africa
Odochi Nwabara
Human Trafficking Among Female Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults in the United States: An Exploratory Model
Edal Kimando and Lincoln Kabanya
A pilot project on Improving access, equity, inclusion and use of improved sanitation and hygiene: positioning the most vulnerable population with severe disabilities in rural Kenya, to prevent acquired infections thereby ensuring all lead a productive healthy living through constructions of disability friendly toilets and availing clean water.
Ieva Jekabsone
"Take A Safe Step" - Social Campaign as a Tool to Increase Participation and Contribute to Society
Carla Silva
Considering a critical, cultural and engaged occupational therapy
Skender Redzovic
Culture and participation - mapping the terrain
Susan Venter and Lee Hattingh
Secondary Homelessness: A Sense of Lost Belonging
Kyle Karen
Occupational Aesthetics: Improving the Quality of Occupation Based Interventions by Addressing Specific Practice Challenges Related to Globalization and Modernization
Hannarie le Roux
Getting real: a unique experience in the treatment of gangsters. "I was never taught how to treat gangsters"
Adrienne Daniels
What's yours is mine: Reflections on identity and shared experiences of trauma |
Cognitive stimulation therapy as a low-resource intervention for dementia in sub-Saharan Africa (CST-SSA): Adaptation for rural Tanzania and Nigeria |
Exploring the push and pull of the dark side of occupation
Critical practice in critical times: Forging relationships between critical theory and socially responsive occupational therapy
Participation levels in daily occupations by children with autism spectrum disorders: caregiver perspectives
Transformation of psychiatric care towards mental health care approach in Argentina. Participation of Occupational Therapy in the construction and development of mental health field in Buenos Aires (1957-1976)
"Secrets of Life with Brachial Plexus Palsy," A Storybook by An Occupational Therapist, Improves Medical Knowledge Among Parents of Children with Neonatal Brachial Plexus Palsy
Aligning Occupational Therapy and Special Olympics: Maximizing Global Participation for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities
Towards transforming Early Childhood Education in South Africa: Expanding occupational therapy practice for collaborative, population based impact |
"I was treated like a person and not a lost cause" Young people's experience of an alternative to school exclusion |
Exploring Primary Contact Occupational Therapy Hand Clinics: An occupational perspective |
Susanne Spittel |
Tamlyn Philander |
Ageing and forgetfulness in Sub-Sahara Africa – witchcraft accusation deprives older people with dementia of participation |
Novice occupational therapists’ perceptions and experiences of professional socialization in the first year of practice in South Africa |
Beth Fields |
Matumo Ramafikeng |
Sandra Maria Galheigo |
Anande Ferreira (Uys) |
Clement Nhunzvi |
Nyasha Beremauro |
Inmaculada Zango Martín |
Kirsty van Stormbroek |
Riding in the Moment: Exploring the Influence of an Equine-assisted Intervention on the Quality of Life of Institutionalized Adults with Dementia |
Students’ negotiation of practice education in Occupational Therapy: A case study
Concepts and assumptions of a critical perspective in occupational therapy
A randomized control trial investigating the effect of a play-informed caregiver-implemented home-based intervention on playfulness for HIV positive children aged 10 months to 8 years on HAART from a low socio-economic status |
Recovery from substance abuse among Zimbabwean men: an occupational transition |
The need for occupational therapy services in Zimbabwean urban mainstream schools in the context of inclusive education: A cross sectional descriptive study |
Occupational therapy from an intercultural perspective: reflections from double reflexive ethnography |
Novice therapists in a developing context: Extending the reach of hand rehabilitation |
Maud Graff |
John Ralphs |
More self-reliance and autonomy for nursing home residents with dementia: a multidisciplinary intervention (SOCAV) |
The contributing factors enabling homeless people's transition into formal employment: a Narrative Inquiry
Tara Vander Mynsbrugge |
Giedre Kavaliauskiene |
Arameh Anvarizadeh |
Caraleigh Otto |
Jing Shi |
Maria Borgestig |
Elizabeth Anne Kinsella |
Lydia Engelbrecht |
Exploring acoustical environmental factors influencing the behavior- and psychological symptoms of dementia: a participatory observation study
Focus on underprivileged children during international intensive programme in Lithuania
Coalition of Occupational Therapy Advocates for Diversity's Toolkit for Recruitment and Retention of a Diverse Occupational Therapy Student Body and Workforce |
The impact of play-informed caregiver-implemented home-based intervention on the academic learning outcomes for HIV positive children (aged 5 years to 8 years) on Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) living in low income conditions: A Randomized Control Trial |
Understanding the lives of problem video gamers
Changing life opportunities- Gaze-based assistive technology for children with physical impairments without speech |
The centrality of reflection in work for occupational justice: Searching for conceptual clarity
Applying the Brief International Classification of Function, Disability and Health's Brief Core Set for Hand Conditions in South Africa |
Tracey Rehling |
Suzanne Huot |
Munira Hoosain |
An occupational therapy perspective on cognitive stimulation therapy: targeting occupational performance outcomes for people with dementia |
Examining the role of minority community spaces for enabling the performance of intersectional identities through occupation |
Workplace-based rehabilitation for upper limb conditions: A Systematic Review
Chiung-ju Liu |
Amshuda Sonday and Katherine Skovdal Hansen |
Annie Carrier |
Robyn Meissner |
Gwarega Chibaya |
Melinda Cozzolino |
Simone Coetzee |
Annick Van Gils |
Task-oriented exercise to promote ADL independence in vulnerable older adults: A pilot RCT of 3-Step Workout for Life |
Student experiences of digital storytelling in professional identity formation: a Danish-South African project
Standardised referral form: restricting community occupational therapists' client-centred practice?
A randomised control trial comparing occupational therapy interventions that aim to improve developmental outcomes for HIV-positive children (aged 6 months – 5 years) on ART
Illicit drug use by secondary school learners: reclaiming a life
The neuroscience behind social rejection: An argument for serving displaced populations.
Propagating Justice: Using participatory action research in a community food growing setting to identify risks of exclusion in seldom-heard populations
Determinants of bimanual task performance in the early rehabilitation stage after stroke |
Sajay Arthanat |
Sonya Meyer |
Cherly Repol |
Isaac Amanquarnor |
Jessica Worton |
A home-based information communication technology training program for aging-in-place: Development and randomized controlled study
Identifying participation characteristics to adapt client-tailored intervention among children and adolescents with celiac disease |
An explorative study to understand the employment conditions and concerns of adults with mild intellectual disability (MID) in Singapore |
Inclusion of Persons with Disability in the Christian Community in Accra |
Upper Limb Performance Assessment: A comparison of upper limb assessments and their abilities to detect recovery in arm and hand use during activities of daily living post stroke |
Patricia De Vriendt |
Linda Olson |
Claudia von Zweck |
Allison Sullivan |
Theodora Chikwanha |
Nesbert Mudzviti |
Emma George |
Leeanne Carey |
ACTIV – AGE @home, exercise-program for community dwelling frail older adults: effects on physical fitness, Activities of Daily Living, Participation and Health related Quality of Life |
Implementing a clinical practicum experience: Impact on occupational therapy student development |
Occupational therapists and the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO) |
A proposal for a therapeutic intervention for ARFID |
Facilitators of family involvement in promoting participation of adults with substance use disorders in meaningful occupations |
The socio-emotional impact of having a Child with Albinism in Zimbabwe
Human trafficking and occupational justice |
Stroke survivors' experiences of upper limb somatosensory retraining: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis study |
Janice Du Preez |
Michelle Lapierre |
Tanya Rihtman |
Rosemary Doe-Asinyo Xorlanyo |
Armika Eborda |
Tharina Annandale |
Adult Day Services: Their Impact on People Dementia and their Primary Carers |
Popular education as a method for teaching and learning strategies in an Occupational Therapy Program at Catholic University of Temuco, Chile: legitimating the popular wisdom |
Preparing occupational therapy students for research-active careers: A longitudinal, mixed-method study
Knowledge level of final year students of college of health sciences, university of Ghana, on occupational therapy
Occupational meaning of Filipino eating experiences: a phenomenological study |
A personal journey: Designing an adult suspension frame in collaboration with a mechanical engineer |
Sambaladevi Chemen |
Charles Jureidini |
Nicholas Erasmus |
Exploring gender disparities and influences in Occupational Therapy Practice in Mauritius |
Play Participation and Quality of Life among Pediatric Patients with Cancer |
Advocating for occupational well-being and occupational justice for patients in a forensic psychiatric setting through a graded pre-vocational skills programme |
Q & A |
Q & A |
Q & A
Q & A
Q & A |
Q & A |
10:30 |
11:00 |
SE-92 Keynote 3 Auditorium 1 Chair: Lana van Niekerk
Karen Whalley Hammell
Building globally relevant occupational therapy from the strength of our diversity |
12:00 |
WFOT Panel Discussion: Occupational therapy as change agency: connecting diverse ideas Auditorium 1
Chairs: Marilyn Pattison and Madeleine Duncan
Recognising the diversity of occupational therapy across global regions, panellists are invited to share their perspectives on themes emerging from the congress. They will suggest key points that warrant consideration when positioning the profession for impact in each region. Discussion will focus on strategic actions that occupational therapists may take to advance public health, well-being and human scale development, with a recognition of points of coherence and divergence across regions.
13:00 |
14:00 |
SE-93 World Café – Positioning for Impact Ballroom East and West Chair: Samantha Shann
This large group dialogue will offer delegates the opportunity to share their WFOT Congress 2018 'eureka moments', such as new connections between previously unrelated concepts or new ideas or the identification of solutions to intractable challenges. Through dialogue, key recommendations and actions to position occupational therapy for impact in the areas of education, research, practice and policy advocacy will be harnessed.
15:00 |
Presentation of findings - from sessions
Ballroom East and West Chairs: Samantha Shann & Nicola Plastow |
16:00 |
Official Closing Ceremony Ballroom East and West Chairs: Marilyn Pattison and Helen Buchanan |
Not sure what sessions to choose from? Interested in learning about different research methodologies and their application in various contexts? Don't miss our research institute papers! Papers highlighted with a star
have been selected to provide a status of various research methodologies across the world. Also, don't miss our World Cafe Research Institute session! Authors from around the world will be hosting conversations around innovative research methodologies that can advance your research and practice!
The scientific programme will be accredited by OTASA. The number of points allocated will be advised in due course (1 point per academic hour).
Delegates must sign a CPD register in the morning on arrival before the first session starts, and again after lunch (each day)
E-certificates will be sent to delegates 2-4 weeks after congress, administered by Discovery Health
The CPD register will be kept at the WFOT congress registration desk.