From 21 -25 May, people came from all over the world to be in attendance at the 2018 WFOT Congress. Occupational therapists, speakers, panellists, poster presenters, students, volunteers, friends and colleagues alike came together in unison to share in the experience of what was Connected in Diversity: Positioned for Impact. We would like to thank all those in attendance and are overjoyed in what a successful Congress and experience it truly was.
Below are some of the Congress highlights.
Delegates in attendance = 2000
Number of sponsors and exhibitors = 29
Number of presenters: 1150
Number of pre-congress workshops: 10
Number of in-congress workshops: 13
Number of oral sessions: 71
Number of guided poster sessions: 10
Number of standard posters: 800
We asked those in attendance, what actions we can take to position ourselves for impact and here's what they said.
The bigger font of the phrase, the more popular the opinion.
The theme is 'Connected in diversity: positioned for impact', and the program will feature world leading experts, unique social events and an exhibition, all hosted in and around the Cape Town International Convention Centre. WFOT 2018 will once again be the leading event on the international calendar for Occupational Therapists.
We look forward to seeing you in Cape Town!
The WFOT Organising team are working with the Cape Town Convention Centre, Convention Bureau and the hotels to reduce the impact on delegates of the impending water crisis in Cape Town for the WFOT Congress.