June 18 (Wed) - 21 (Sat), 2014 Yokohama, Japan
Dear Colleagues,
The World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) Congress 2014 (18 – 21 June) is fast approaching, Yokohama Japan, is looking forward to welcoming occupational therapists from around the world.
However, for some occupational therapists in countries with developing economies, the idea of attending the WFOT Congress may seem an impossible dream. WFOT has received many requests for funding from occupational therapists and students in these countries, some of whom are also speakers at the Congress and are struggling to obtain funding to attend. For many of these colleagues, their earnings are often less than $US100 per month, which does not afford them the chance to attend congress. Many of the occupational therapists are working in difficult circumstances, with little or no access to additional education, so the chance to hear leaders in the profession, as well as network with other occupational therapists at WFOT 2014, would provide a considerable benefit for them and the people they work with.
The Congress Committee is exploring all possible funding options to support delegates who may request assistance. However, in the past, occupational therapy groups and associations have set up fundraising projects to assist a range of causes, with the funding and hosting of an international congress delegate being one of them.
We invite you to consider either donating as an individual or consider a fund raising project with the view to hosting an international congress delegate. This would give the occupational therapist the chance to learn from the broad and valuable experience of the 800+ presenters, a chance to network with peers and colleagues, and a chance to share their learning and new knowledge with their peers back at home – a once in a lifetime chance they may not ever have again.
You may contribute in one of the following ways:
We encourage you to contribute to the Delegate Grants Programme – thank you for your support of international colleagues.
Yours Sincerely,
Marilyn Pattison and Hiroshi Yamane,
Congress Co-convenors.
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