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Poster Date Poster Number First Name Last Name Organisation Country Abstract Title Document Link Category
Friday 28 July
Susan Leicht Doyle Southwest Washington Medical Center Usa Occupational therapists’ clinical reasoning process and use of evidence-based practice to regain movement in the upper extremity after stroke View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - Specific
Friday 28 July
Bridget Lange Royal Perth Hospital: Shenton Park Campus Australia Using the assessment of motor and process skills to measure functional change in severely brain injured adults. View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - Specific
Friday 28 July
Suzanne Fayle Royal Rehabilitation Centre Sydney Australia Development of an occupational therapy scale of upper limb occupational performance following CVA View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - Specific
Friday 28 July
Andrew Siu The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong Sar, Pr China A Survey of Self-management of Health and Illness in a Chinese population: Implications for Practice View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - Specific
Friday 28 July
Mathilda Björk Faculty Of Health Sciences Sweden Hand Function At Diagnosis Of Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Predicts Future Activity Limitation. View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - Specific
Friday 28 July
O Jayne Bowman Texas Woman'S University Usa Comparison Of Adults With Parkinson’S Disease To Normal Adults On The Design Copying (Dc) Test Of The Sipt View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - Specific
Friday 28 July
Jyh-Jong Chang Kaohsiung Medical University Taiwan Effects Of Bilateral And Unilateral Reaching On Trunk Movement In Stroke Patients View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - Specific
Friday 28 July
Jo Siketa Epworth Hospital Australia An inpatient socialisation group for individuals following acquired brain injury View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - General
Friday 28 July
Yan-Hua Huang Chang Gung University Taiwan Factors Relating to Quality of Life and Prosthesis Use among Elders with Amputation View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - General
Friday 28 July
Anita Tollén Örebro University Sweden Elderly persons' conceptions of expected gains from attending a community-based day care rehabilitation centre View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - General
Friday 28 July
Gunilla Eriksson Division Of Occupational Therapy, Karolinska Institutet Sweden Adaptation in everyday activities one to four years after acquired brain injury View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - General
Friday 28 July
Lisa Ekstam Karolinska Institutet Sweden The Process Of Adaptation After Stroke: A Longitudinal Study Of Elderly Participating In Rehabilitation At Home View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - General
Friday 28 July
Anette Erikson Karolinska Institutet Sweden The lived experience of memory impairment in daily occupation- One year of rehabilitation View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - General
Friday 28 July
Rachel Kizony University Of Haifa Israel Virtual Reality- based assessment and intervention in occupational therapy for individuals following stroke and spinal cord injury View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - General
Friday 28 July
Dina Watterson Royal Melbourne Hospital - Melbourne Health Australia Improving Patient Access To Rehabilitation: A Subacute Model Within An Acute Setting. View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - General
Friday 28 July
Debra Cameron University Of Toronto Canada The Intersection Between Hiv And Rehabilitation: A Unique Working Group View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - General
Friday 28 July
Judy Ranka The University Of Sydney Australia Assessment Of 'Doing' In Chronic Care View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - General
Friday 28 July
Shai Bynon The Alfed Australia A targeted multi-disciplinary approach to functional conditioning in the acute environment leads to better outcomes for older people. View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - General
Friday 28 July
Fiona Bremner Melbourne Health And The National Ageing Research Institute Australia Client Centred Care and Home Based Rehabilitation in Victoria View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - General
Friday 28 July
Lucy Brennan University Of South Australia Australia Peripheral arterial disease: opportunities to alleviate community burden? View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - General
Friday 28 July
Philippa Logan University Of Nottingham England Referrals from ambulance services to rehabilitation services View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - General
Friday 28 July
Catherine Bridge University Of Sydney Australia From policy to practice: Creating housing that enables function View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - General
Friday 28 July
Nathalie Veillette Research Center, Institut Universitaire De Gériatrie De Montréal Canada Developing an assessment tool of functional status for frail elderly in the emergency department. View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - General
Friday 28 July
Magnus Zingmark Community Of Östersund Sweden Supervision in home rehabilitation View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - General
Friday 28 July
Heather Mcinnes Melbourne Health Australia Integrating Evidence Into Practice When Working With Older People View/Download Abstract Research and Evidence Based Practice
Friday 28 July
Anne Kanto-Ronkanen Hospital District Of Northern Savo Finland Is a network service useful tool for rehabilitation workers? View/Download Abstract Research and Evidence Based Practice
Friday 28 July
Denise O'Connor Australasian Cochrane Centre And Institute Of Health Services Research, Monash University Australia Using psychological theory to learn more about implementing evidence-based practice View/Download Abstract Research and Evidence Based Practice
Friday 28 July
Randi W. Aas Rogaland College/ Nordic School Of Public Health/ Rogaland Research Norway Evidence-based practice: Challenges in developing and using Cochrane Systematic Reviews to document effectiveness of interventions View/Download Abstract Research and Evidence Based Practice
Friday 28 July
Sanet Du Toit University Of The Free State South Africa Inter-continental placements: the benefits of sharing View/Download Abstract Education
Friday 28 July
Joan Verhoef University Of Professional Education Rotterdam The Netherlands Research in occupational therapy: our care? View/Download Abstract Education
Friday 28 July
Susan Burwash Wired Woman Design Canada Understanding the power of occupation froom the inside out: one occupational therapists experience View/Download Abstract Occupational Performance
Friday 28 July
Sissel Alsaker Program Of Occupational Therapy Norway Everyday occupations as communicative oppotunities for persons with chronic rheumatic disease. View/Download Abstract Occupational Performance
Friday 28 July
Roshan Galvaan University Of Cape Town South Africa Occupational therapy practice for occupational change View/Download Abstract Occupational Performance
Friday 28 July
Paula Jo Belice Rush University Usa The Utility of the COPM in Acute Care Medicine View/Download Abstract Occupational Performance
Friday 28 July
Sigrún Garðarsdóttir Landspítali, University Hospital Iceland Client - Centered Occupational Therapy View/Download Abstract Occupational Performance
Friday 28 July
Fiona Gray Canterbury Christ Church University College United Kingdom Quilted memories: quilting as an occupation View/Download Abstract Occupational Performance
Friday 28 July
Mary F. Clarke University Of Toronto Canada Occupational justice and social justice: What do they mean for occupational therapy practice? View/Download Abstract Occupational Performance
Friday 28 July
Doris Pierce Eastern Kentucky University Usa Older women making meaning through celebratory food traditions: Christmas and Songkran food preparation in elderly Kentucky, New Zealand, and Thailand women View/Download Abstract Occupational Performance
Friday 28 July
Alison Lane University Of South Australia Australia Beyond capacity-building: the challenge of 'participation' for occupational therapy View/Download Abstract Occupational Performance
Friday 28 July
Simon Raine Dual Diagnosis Service Australlia Dual diagnosis and how the occupational therapy process operates within the stages of change model View/Download Abstract Occupational Performance
Friday 28 July
Susan Rappolt University Of Toronto Canada From Manual Training To Occupation: T.B. Kidner'S Role In The Development Of The Profession View/Download Abstract Occupational Performance
Friday 28 July
Regina Dakuzaku Carretta Federal University At S.Carlos Brazil Disabled people and co-operatives: a possible work View/Download Abstract Occupational Performance
Friday 28 July
Emma Geor Royal Melbourne Hospital Australia Assessing occupation in acute neurosciences View/Download Abstract Occupational Performance
Friday 28 July
Michelle Dettrick Stroke Outreach Service, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Australia Measuring client outcomes in a stroke outreach service: a new approach View/Download Abstract Occupational Performance
Friday 28 July
Gaynor Sadlo Canterbury Christ Church University Uk Defining occupational engagement View/Download Abstract Occupational Performance
Friday 28 July
Sally Denshire Charles Sturt University Australia Seven Centuries Of "Doing": What Does The Dictionary Say? View/Download Abstract Occupational Performance
Friday 28 July
Ingela Petersson Karolinska Instiutet Sweden Validity of Client Clinician Assessment Protocol (C-CAP) - an assessment of clients’ perceived occupational performance in the home environment. View/Download Abstract Occupational Performance
Friday 28 July
Christina Boerema Unisa Australia Women who sew: stitching in the lives of migrant women View/Download Abstract Occupational Performance
Friday 28 July
Hiroko Kodama Yanagawa Rehabilitation Hospital Japan The relation of the time allocation and the Health-Related QOL in persons with hemiplegia. View/Download Abstract Occupational Performance
Friday 28 July
Lisa Eyres The Alfred Australia Reflections on occupational therapy at The Alfred: Evolution of theory and practice View/Download Abstract Occupational Performance
Friday 28 July
Gillian Fowler Fremantle Community Health Australia The Senses in action: local and global View/Download Abstract Occupational Performance
Friday 28 July
Regena Stevens-Ratchford Towson University Usa Occupation And Aging Well View/Download Abstract Occupational Performance
Friday 28 July
Takashi Yamada Faculty Of Health Sciences,Tokyo Metropolitan Universiy Japan How has a model been transferred beyond the language and culture? Settlement of Model of Human Occupation in Japan View/Download Abstract Occupational Performance
Friday 28 July
Amy Baker University Of South Australia Australia Developing a more healing physical environment using a community development approach View/Download Abstract Occupational Performance
Friday 28 July
Jean Sharman Today'S Professional Services Australia Occupational therapy and life coaching embracing a new dimension and opportunity for those with an entrepreneurial spirit View/Download Abstract Occupational Performance
Friday 28 July
Clare Giuffrida Rush University Medical Center Usa Optimizing Performance With Aging View/Download Abstract Occupational Performance
Friday 28 July
Anette Enemark Larsen University College Øresund, Fauculty Of Occupational Therapy Denmark Documentation of Change in Occupational Performance of Elderly People. View/Download Abstract Occupational Performance
Friday 28 July
Andrea Delmonico Columbia University Usa The adapted creative movement occupational therapy group: a facilitator for social interaction View/Download Abstract Occupational Performance
Friday 28 July
Maria Lucia Borini Pontificia Universidade Católica De Campinas Brazil A COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN INSTRUMENTS OF FUNCTIONAL CAPACITY AND OCCUPATIONAL PERFORMANCE View/Download Abstract Occupational Performance
Friday 28 July
Yan-Hua Huang Chang Gung University Taiwan Improving Quality of Life Measures: Instruments + Interview View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - General
Friday 28 July
Vicki Hume Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre Australia Establishing Best Practice Guidelines for Conducting and Documenting Occupational Therapy Home Assessments View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - General
Friday 28 July
Birgitta Svensson Occupational Therapy Org. Sweden How to use EMG biofeedback to enable patiants with cronic pain to perform with good bodymechanics. View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - General
Friday 28 July
Kate Smith Kimberley Older Indigenous Health Project Australia The Kimberley Indigenous Cognitive Assessment (KICA): Investigating cognitive impairment and other health conditions in Indigenous Australians View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - General
Friday 28 July
Michael Deen Royal Brisbane And Women'S Hospital & University Of Queensland Australia Occupational Therapy in Pain: Application of the International Calssification of Functioning, Disability and Health View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - General
Friday 28 July
Jacqueline Rousseau Université De Montréal Canada Psychometric studies of a Person-Environment Interaction assessment tool View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - General
Friday 28 July
Carita Håkansson The Sahlgrenska Academy, Göteborg University Sweden Balance In Everyday Life - A Focus Group Study Among Women With Stress-Related Disorders View/Download Abstract Health Promotion
Friday 28 July
Mihoko Noda School Of Health Sciences Hirosaki University Japan The relationship between activity level of daily life and depression in the elderly View/Download Abstract Aged Care Issues
Friday 28 July
Ay-Woan Pan National Taiwan University, Department Of Occupational Therapy Taiwan Life Style And Quality Of Life In Clients With Depressive Disorders View/Download Abstract Health Promotion
Friday 28 July
Junichi Inoue Yamaguchi Health Welfare College Japan Effect Of Occupational Therapy On Geriatric Depression In Long Term Care Hospital View/Download Abstract Aged Care Issues
Friday 28 July
Yuka Watanabe Graduate School Of Health Sciences, Hiroshima University Japan Depression In The Elderly: Prevalence And Associated Factors View/Download Abstract Aged Care Issues
Friday 28 July
Yuntaek O Dept. Of Occupational Therapy, Rehabilitation Hospital, Yonsei University Medical Center Republic Of Korea The Correlation between Activities of Daily Living Performance and Depression Level in Persons with Cerebral Palsy View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - Specific
Friday 28 July
Kim Mclearnon Health Care Centre Östermalm/Vilan Sweden A Client-Centered Perspective On Stress-Related Illness In A Primary-Care Setting: A Study Of “Doing”, “Meaning” And “Health”. View/Download Abstract Health Promotion
Friday 28 July
Angela Colantonio Toronto Rehab And University Of Toronto Canada Facilitating appropriate living environments for people with moderate to severe acquired brain injury: a qualitative study View/Download Abstract Health Promotion
Friday 28 July
Hideaki Hanaoka Ibaraki Prefectural University Of Health Sciences Japan Effect of a 12-week structured weight-loss program on health-related quality of life in healthy community-dwelling subjects View/Download Abstract Health Promotion
Friday 28 July
Deborah Robinson Akureyri City Council Iceland Empowerment and the elderly in the community View/Download Abstract Health Promotion
Friday 28 July
Priscilla Ennals La Trobe University Australia “It gave me that added knowledge about her”: Consumer narratives strengthening collaborative treatment planning in community mental health case management View/Download Abstract Health Promotion
Friday 28 July
Hisayoshi Suzuki Department Of Occupational Therapy, School Of Nursing And Rehabilitation Sciences, Showa University Japan A Model Of Job Stress Among Occupational Therapists In Japan View/Download Abstract Health Promotion
Friday 28 July
Colette Fegan Sheffield Hallam University England An Investigation Into The Experiences Of Service Users And Staff Who Have Been Involved In A Volunteering Project. View/Download Abstract Health Promotion
Friday 28 July
Hsin-Yen Wu Far Eastern Memorial Hospital Taiwan The cost-effectiveness analysis of different psychiatric rehabilitation programs View/Download Abstract Health Promotion
Friday 28 July
Sharon Flinn Ohio State University Usa Helping Hands for Health Living, a service learning project for occupational and physical therapy students. View/Download Abstract Health Promotion
Friday 28 July
Genevieve Pepin Laval University Canada The Remotivation Process or when Research and Practice Work Together View/Download Abstract Health Promotion
Friday 28 July
Christine Craik Brunel University United Kingdom Using A Web Based Tool To Teach Occupational Therapy Students To Prioritise Referrals In Mental Health View/Download Abstract Health Promotion
Friday 28 July
Jocelyn Cowls Homewood Health Centre Canada Understanding return to work needs of clients with depression and post-traumatic stress disorder View/Download Abstract Health Promotion
Friday 28 July
Stacy Smallfield The University Of South Dakota Usa Occupational therapy’s role in agricultural environmental health View/Download Abstract Health Promotion
Friday 28 July
Kathryn Miller Northwestern Mental Health-Royal Melbourne Hospital Australia Chi Ball: an innovative exercise and relaxation program tailored to enhance recovery from eating disorders. View/Download Abstract Health Promotion
Friday 28 July
Pamela Kirke Monash University Australia Volunteering as occupation in retirement: enhancing health care for providers and recipents in a community health service View/Download Abstract Health Promotion
Friday 28 July
Ina Stavril Wirringga Unit, Southern Health, Melbourne, Australia Australia Occupation for understanding, overcoming and becoming: connections between trauma and recovery View/Download Abstract Health Promotion
Friday 28 July
Gaynor Sadlo Canterbury Christ Church University Uk Occupational engagemnet in a regional secure unit View/Download Abstract Health Promotion
Friday 28 July
Muriel Cummins Forensicare - Victorian Institute Of Forensic Mental Health Australia Promoting An Evidence-Based Practice Culture And Establishing A Research Agenda For Occupational Therapy In Forensic Mental Health: Progress, Challenges & Vision For The Future. View/Download Abstract Health Promotion
Friday 28 July
Janet Phare Ms Auckland New Zealand Can the Canadian Model of Occupational Performance be applied effectively to promote wellness in a generic support worker role? View/Download Abstract Health Promotion
Friday 28 July
Therese Schmid The University Of Newcastle, Nsw Australia Studies in creativity in occupational therapy practice. Outline of five honours projects in the undergraduate occupational therapy program at the University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia 2001-2005 View/Download Abstract Health Promotion
Friday 28 July
Western Australian Mental Illness Awareness Council Australia Peer Support -- Turning our disability from a liability to an asset? View/Download Abstract Health Promotion
Friday 28 July
Western Australian Mental Illness Awareness Council Australia Mental Health Consumer Focus Group Recommendations View/Download Abstract Health Promotion
Friday 28 July
Allison Cox Alfred Psychiatry Australia Psychiatry new graduate program - facilitating, encouraging and retaining new graduates in mental health View/Download Abstract Health Promotion
Friday 28 July
Suzanne Gaitskell South London And Maudsley Nhs Trust United Kingdom The influence of national policy in the united kingdom on continuing professional development for occupational therapitst working in mental health View/Download Abstract Health Promotion
Friday 28 July
Roseli Lopes Universidade Federal De São Carlos Brazil Community Strategies In Public Health: Social Demands Above Basic Health View/Download Abstract Health Promotion
Friday 28 July
Tzyh-Chyang Chang Chang Gung University Taiwan The Development and Application of the Telemedicine System in Psychiatric Counseling View/Download Abstract Health Promotion
Friday 28 July
Rumi Sunohara Uematsu Hospital Japan What An Occupational Therapist Can Do As A Community Volunteer In Aging Society? View/Download Abstract Health Promotion
Friday 28 July
Diane Cadman York St John College Unitied Kingdom User selected occupations and recovery in acute mental health: are they related? View/Download Abstract Health Promotion
Friday 28 July
Hajime Shimizu Hiroshima University Japan Experimental Trial Of Volunteer System For Supporting People With Difficulty In Using Public Transportation View/Download Abstract Health Promotion
Friday 28 July
Gitte Mathiasson School Of Occupational Therapy Denmark Interdisciplinary module in health promotion/prevention and population health View/Download Abstract Health Promotion
Friday 28 July
Lynne Andonian San Jose State University Usa Kien Khleang physical rehabilitation center in Phnom Penh, Cambodia: potential roles for occupational therapy View/Download Abstract Health Promotion
Friday 28 July
Marcia Mendonça Federal University Of S. Carlos Brazil Daily Spontaneous Theatre while Resource for Occupational Therapy for Elderly People View/Download Abstract Health Promotion
Friday 28 July
Simon Hughes Tees And North East Yorkshire Nhs Trust England Doing things differently, leadership in the new NHS, the UK Consultant Occupational Therapist experience. View/Download Abstract Health Promotion
Friday 28 July
Lili Liu University Of Alberta Canada Universal Design And Aging In Northern Climates: A Cross-Cultural Comparison View/Download Abstract Health Promotion
Friday 28 July
Hideki Shiraishi Ibaraki Prefectural University Of Health Sciences Japan A Study On The Current State Of Understanding Of Therapists In The Treatment Of Patients With Neuropsychological Impairment In Japan View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - General
Friday 28 July
Lam Chui Ming Hospital China Functional rehabilitation programmes in Chinese patients with cognitive impairment View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - General
Friday 28 July
Shinichi Sato Kofu Municipal  Hospital Japan Post -operative Therapy for Rotator cuff injury in Occupational Therapy. View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - General
Friday 28 July
Anupa Singh Wits University, Johannesburg South Africa South Africa THE ENERGY EXPENDITURE ON ADL TASKS RESULTS IN DISABILITY IN STROKE PATIENTS. View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - General
Friday 28 July
Leeanne Carey National Stroke Research Institute Australia Brain Adaptation Associated With Spontaneous And Treatment-Facilitated Recovery Of Touch Sensation After Stroke. View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - General
Friday 28 July
Ching-Yi Wu Department Of Occupational Therapy And Graduate Institute Of Clinical Behavioral Science, Chang Gung University Taiwan Effects Of Task Objects On Stand Reaching In Patients With Right And Left Cerebral Vascular Accidents View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - General
Friday 28 July
Leeanne Carey National Stroke Research Institute Australia A new functional Tactual Object Recognition Test (fTORT) for stroke clients: Normative standards and discriminative validity. View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - General
Friday 28 July
Carmen Flores-Vieira Claretiano Academic Center Brazil Translation And Validation Of The Brazilian Version Of Pdq-39: A Tool To Help Ots Measure The Impact Of Parkinson´Disease On Occupational Performance View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - General
Friday 28 July
Gaynor Reid The University Of Liverpool Uk Carer'S Expereinces Of Intermediate Care View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - General
Friday 28 July
Katrina Horman Northern Sydney Commonwealth Carer Respite Centre Australia Community Care for Carers: Who Cares?? View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - General
Friday 28 July
Mehdi Rezaee Sheed Beheshti University Iran relationship between neck pain and ergonomi factors among Dentists View/Download Abstract Occupational Rehabilitation
Friday 28 July
Alison Bell Abell Safety Australia Our changing workforce – the impact on the assessment and management of work related musculoskeletal disorders View/Download Abstract Occupational Rehabilitation
Friday 28 July
Samantha Ashby Hunter New England Health Australia Breaking down the barriers - listening to the client's story View/Download Abstract Occupational Rehabilitation
Friday 28 July
Susan Jennings CRS Australia Australia Development of a Consistent Approach to Functional Evaluation (FCE) in vocational rehabilitation. View/Download Abstract Occupational Rehabilitation
Friday 28 July
Alison Thomas Crs Australia Australia Addressing chronic pain-related disability in a vocational rehabiltiation program for the long-term unemployed. View/Download Abstract Occupational Rehabilitation
Friday 28 July
Trevor Goddard Curtin University, School Of Occupational Therapy Australia Australian Gas Light Company case study: Improving the lives of those touched by business View/Download Abstract Occupational Rehabilitation
Friday 28 July
Tanya Barrett Allianz Insurance Australia Australia Working for the Insurer - is it for you? View/Download Abstract Occupational Rehabilitation
Friday 28 July
Kristjana Fenger University Of Akureyri Iceland Worker’s perspective: Help that facilitated return to work following an injury or disability View/Download Abstract Occupational Rehabilitation
Friday 28 July
Roberto Ciasca Universidade Catolica De Campinas Brasil Dance in Occupational Therapy increase the interpersonal communication View/Download Abstract Occupational Rehabilitation
Friday 28 July
Joanne Lewis Quality Occupational Health Australia Practical application of evidence for occupational therapists involved in workplace based rehabilitation View/Download Abstract Occupational Rehabilitation
Friday 28 July
Randi W. Aas Rogaland College/ Nordic School Of Public Health/ Rogaland Research Norway Presentation of the Cochrane Systematic Review: Worksite interventions for neck and back disorders in workers View/Download Abstract Occupational Rehabilitation
Friday 28 July
Jean-Pascal Beaudoin University Of Ottawa Canada A national framework for ethical occupational therapy practice: a new perspective on reflective practice and professional growth. View/Download Abstract Professional Issues
Friday 28 July
Gwilym Roberts University Of Wales, Bangor Wales An Innovative Approach To Meeting The Linguistic And Cultural Needs Of North West Wales - A Model For Global Adoption? View/Download Abstract Professional Issues
Friday 28 July
Laura Hardaker University Of Western Sydney Australia Factors that influenced the use of outcome measures by occupational therapists. View/Download Abstract Professional Issues
Friday 28 July
Lynnette Ford Greater Southern Area Health Service Australia The Australian Occupational Therapy Framework For Professional Excellence View/Download Abstract Professional Issues
Friday 28 July
Adèle Diday Swiss Association Of Occupational Therapists Switzerland In action as a delegate of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists View/Download Abstract Professional Issues
Friday 28 July
Danielle Brown Psychiatric Rehabilitation Service, Hunter New England Area Health Service Australia New Graduates In Action: Sydney’S Innovative ‘New Graduate Occupational Therapy Forum’ View/Download Abstract Professional Issues
Friday 28 July
Lise Mogensen University Of Western Sydney Australia The SMART Goal Evaluation Method: A new rating-instrument for use by occupational therapists. View/Download Abstract Professional Issues
Friday 28 July
Maria Skouroliakos Cotec Greece Celebrating 20 years of COTEC View/Download Abstract Professional Issues
Friday 28 July
Carol Mckinstry La Trobe University Australia Clinical governance for the occupational therapy profession: the role of individual professional accreditation View/Download Abstract Professional Issues
Friday 28 July
Louise Schaper Curtin University Of Technology. Perth Australia Australia The Future Of Healthcare And Occupational Therapy View/Download Abstract Professional Issues
Friday 28 July
Judith C. Vestal Louisiana State University Health Science Center - Shreveport Usa Community Collaboration Partners and Research View/Download Abstract Professional Issues
Friday 28 July
Christina Parasyn Tafe Global Pty Ltd Australia OT – better than what we bargained for View/Download Abstract Professional Issues
Friday 28 July
Felecia Banks Howard University Usa Professional Development and Leadership Skills: View/Download Abstract Professional Issues
Friday 28 July
Latitia Kernaghan Charles Sturt University Australia Exploring The Assumptions Of Career Development: A Narrative Design View/Download Abstract Professional Issues
Friday 28 July
Susan Fone Rehabilitation And Aged Care, Southernhealth Australia Decision-Making Systems And Processes In Rehabilitation Teams: An Innovative Program Of Re-Design. View/Download Abstract Professional Issues
Friday 28 July
Erin Daniels Royal Perth Hospital Australia The Nullarbor Factor…. Maintaining relevance of a National Association within an isolated community. View/Download Abstract Professional Issues
Friday 28 July
Connie Trimboli Royal Perth Hospital Australia Electronic literacy of occupational therapists: a departmental survey of staff skills and knowledge View/Download Abstract Professional Issues
Friday 28 July
Anne Macrae San Jose State University Usa Professional and personal outcomes of earning a post-professional masters degree in occupational therapy: Five year results of a distance format MS degree. View/Download Abstract Professional Issues
Friday 28 July
Michele Clark James Cook University Australia Midlife: Downward slide or primetime? View/Download Abstract Professional Issues
Friday 28 July
Claudia Hilton Saint Louis University Us Relationship of motor skills and social skills to participation patterns in children with Asperger Syndrome View/Download Abstract Paediatrics
Friday 28 July
Deborah Berruti Temple University Usa Observations on Participation in Occupation within the Cultural Context among Children Orphaned by AIDS in Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa View/Download Abstract Paediatrics
Friday 28 July
Sylvie Tetreault Universite Laval Canada Adolescent, handicap and social participation : New challenges for OT View/Download Abstract Paediatrics
Friday 28 July
Cheryl Schneider Monash Medical Centre, Southern Health Australia What is the occupational therapyrole in discharge planning, from a medical, nursing and allied health perspective? do we really delay discharge? View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - General
Friday 28 July
Gitte Stokholm Occupational Therapy Department, Centre For Higher Health Educations – Funen, Denmark Denmark How teenagers with physical handicaps experience and talk about participation, barriers and opportunities in every-day-life View/Download Abstract Paediatrics
Friday 28 July
Susan Lowe Skills For Kids Australia Enabling student participation in schools by listening to the key players View/Download Abstract Paediatrics
Friday 28 July
Zdenka Pihlar Institut For Rehabilitation Slovenia Participation of children with severe cerebral palsy: A case report View/Download Abstract Paediatrics
Friday 28 July
Michele Cochrane Women'S And Children'S Hospital Australia the impact of sensory processing on mealtimes: a critical reflection on how children and their families are affected View/Download Abstract Paediatrics
Friday 28 July
Ruth Segal New York University Usa Children’s quality of health and its relationship to their family routines and rituals: A pilot study View/Download Abstract Paediatrics
Friday 28 July
Joyce Magill-Evans University Of Alberta Canada Supporting new fathers- a role for occupational therapists? View/Download Abstract Paediatrics
Friday 28 July
Anne Trewhella Western Health Network, Melbourne Austalia A Disabled Parent, A Newborn Child...A Challenge For Occupational Therapy View/Download Abstract

Occupational Rehabilitation

Friday 28 July
Nedra Playford Therapy Act Australia Role of the occupational therapist in the autism assessment and family support team (AAFST). View/Download Abstract Paediatrics
Friday 28 July
Loree Primeau University Of Texas Medical Branch Usa Community-based social skills groups for children with autism spectrum disorders View/Download Abstract Paediatrics
Friday 28 July
Navid Mirzakhany Ot Department,Beheshti University Iran Effect of sensory Integration on stereotypic behaviors autistic children. View/Download Abstract Paediatrics
Friday 28 July
Lucinda (Cindy) Murray Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center - Shreveport Usa Helping Hands Join Together: An Occupational Therapy And Occupational Therapy Assistant Student Learning Partnership View/Download Abstract Paediatrics
Friday 28 July
Sonia Gulati Queen'S University Canada “Your Voice Counts”…Adolescents with Disabilities in the Developing World View/Download Abstract Paediatrics
Friday 28 July
Annie O'Connell Intellectual Disabilities Services Council Australia The effectiveness of an educational, community based approach in addressing sleep disturbance in young children with developmental delay View/Download Abstract Paediatrics
Friday 28 July
Sandra Maria Galheigo Pontifical Catholic University Of Campinas, Brazil Brazil Cultural identity and diversity in late modernity: the local and the global for community-based juvenile groups View/Download Abstract Paediatrics
Friday 28 July
Jacqueline Brackin Melbourne Health Australia The contribution of an occupational therapist as a volunteer in a Guatemalan orphanage View/Download Abstract Paediatrics
Friday 28 July
Ernesto Martinez Los Angeles Unified School District Usa Identifying cultural barriers to successful treatment View/Download Abstract Paediatrics
Friday 28 July
Lori And Simone Howell And Woodroffe University Of Toronto Canada Continuing professional development and research activities of occupational therapists in acute paediatric academic health care facilities View/Download Abstract Paediatrics
Friday 28 July
Ted Brown Monash University Australia Canadian and Australian Paediatric Occupational Therapy Practice: A Comparison of Theory, Assessments, and Interventions View/Download Abstract Paediatrics
Friday 28 July
Lisa Knightbridge Phcn: Frankston Comm Health Centre Australia Utilising Evaluative Enquiry In Developing A Innovative Practice Model For Paediatric Occupational Therapy In Community Health View/Download Abstract Paediatrics
Friday 28 July
Naomi Priest Flinders University Australia Occupational therapy supporting the development of preschool aged children – An evidence-based partnership model View/Download Abstract Paediatrics
Friday 28 July
Marieke Steendam Visio The Netherlands Cerebral Visual Impairment and Occupational Therapy View/Download Abstract Paediatrics
Friday 28 July
Melanie Pilote Université Laval Canada Tadam Program: Use Of Circus Arts In Ot With Language Disorder Children View/Download Abstract Paediatrics
Friday 28 July
Amy Marshall Eastern Kentucky University Usa Providing rural interdisciplinary services to youth with mental health needs View/Download Abstract Paediatrics
Friday 28 July
Lalit Shah College Misericordia Usa Correlation of Length of Stay in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit with Scores on the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory and the Sensory Profile View/Download Abstract Paediatrics
Friday 28 July
Doris Obler Liu Usa Evidence-based practice: a convergent validity study of the VMI, WRAVMA and BOTMP in children View/Download Abstract Paediatrics
Friday 28 July
Gull-Britt Andersson Deparment Of Handsurgery Sweden Usefullness of Sollerman Handfunction Test when estimating childrens handfunction. View/Download Abstract Paediatrics
Friday 28 July
Livia Magalhaes Federal University Of Minas Gerais Brazil ASSESSING BALANCE IN 4 TO 8 YEARS-OLD CHILDREN: A FUNCTIONAL APPROACH View/Download Abstract Paediatrics
Friday 28 July
Cheryl Schneider Monash Medical Centre, Southern Health Australia Clinical reasoning underpinning home visiting in the acute care setting: A qualitative study View/Download Abstract Functional Performance - General
Friday 28 July
Mônica Grant Rolim Instituto A Casa Brasil Leaving the nest, reflections about an assisted housing for people on social rehabilitation process. View/Download Abstract Health Promotion